The Grouchy Ladybug teaches elapsed time
Clock Song (tune: Wheels on the Bus) The hands on the clock go round and round, Round and round, round and round. The hands on the clock go round and round. To tell us the time. The short hand on the clock Goes from number to number, Number to number, number to number. The short hand on the clock Goes from number to number. To tell us the hours. The long hand on the clock Goes around by fives, Around by fives, around by fives. The long hand on the clock Goes around by fives. To tell us the minutes. The Big Hand is busy But the Small Hand has power. The large one counts the minutes. But the Little One names the hour. Let’s Review time!
Elapsed Time This is just a big word telling how much time has passed between things. This is just a big word telling how much time has passed between things.
At 5:00am the sun came up and the grouchy ladybug met the friendly ladybug. At 8:00am the grouchy ladybug met a praying mantis. How much time passed between when the grouchy ladybug met the friendly ladybug and when it met the praying mantis?
Let’s examine the clock! Put your finger on the 5 on your clock. This is where we want to start. Use the clock like you use your number line and count clockwise to the 8. Did you see how may hours you passed? ***Remember which way is clockwise - the way a clock always turns.
OK, now watch me! I counted 3, so 3 hours passed between the time when the sun came up and when the grouchy lady bug met the praying mantis.
Now let’s do some together! At 6:00 the grouchy ladybug met the yellow jacket. At 7:00 it met the stag beetle. How much time passed between the 2 meetings? 1 1 hour passed.
At 11:00 the grouchy ladybug met the skunk. At 3:00 it met a rhinoceros. How much time passed between the two meetings? hours passed.
Now it’s time to do some on your own! At 9:00 the grouchy ladybug met a sparrow. At 12:00 it met a snake. How much time passed between the two meetings? 3 hours passed.
At 10:00 the grouchy ladybug met a lobster. At 2:00 it met a gorilla.How much time elapsed between the two meetings? 4 hours elapsed.
At 11:00 the grouchy ladybug met a skunk. At 5:00 it met a whale. How much time elapsed between the two meetings? 6 hours elapsed.
Now are you ready for a really hard one? At 6:00am the grouchy ladybug met a yellow jacket. At 4:00pm it met an elephant. How much time elapsed between the two meetings? 10 hours elapsed.
The End Now let’s Practice