Chicago Area Fuqua Alumni Club of Chicago – Dec Member Survey Results
Members were surveyed during a 3 week window in December 2008 – 99 members completed the survey Respondent group Number of responses Total respondents 99 Respondents age Respondents age Respondents age Respondents age Survey Details Survey was designed to identify members desires for club programming, preferred contact methods, and likelihood of when and where members will attend events blasts sent to everyone listed as living or working in Chicago in Fuqua Alumni Database Members were given a link based on their current age Very little difference seen in the results when disaggregated by age Survey was ~10 minutes in length
Recommendations Networking identified as most important program; all programs should try to incorporate networking/social aspects (e.g. 6:00 Thursday happy hour followed by talk on Real Estate) General business knowledge also seen as important to most respondents; topical programs should be used to satisfy this need Members should be encouraged to identify outlets to satisfy the other areas, but group programming will not be focused on these areas Very little interest in admission advice, retirement planning or investment advice – no reason to work on these at all Members want programs that provide networking opportunities and access to general business knowledge
Recommendations Both social and business networking opportunities are highly desired by members High interest in linking to volunteer/community service opportunities; leadership team should have a person dedicated to this area Need for variety of events – members want club events to match their interests which may be meeting over a drink or a basketball game OR hiking, running, etc. Fun! Social! – More than half the write-in comments referenced social events Volunteering. Community service. Non-profits. – Multiple comments that club should provide info on ways for people to provide community service Variety of events – write-in comments suggested game watches, outdoor activities, holiday event, etc. Variety of events but all focused on social/networking and finding community volunteer opportunities were identified by members
Recommendations Leadership group should find contacts from other business school clubs and start a dialogue to see what events they run, and what ones we could run together Reach out to Duke Club of Chicago and see if they have joint programming ideas When planning events with industry/function content, reach out to the appropriate associations for parnership Other business school clubs – Kellogg, Michigan, GSB, Indiana, Ivy Plus Club, etc. Other industry associations – American Marketing Association, Healthcare Associations, etc. Other Duke Clubs – Duke Club of Chicago, Duke Law Club, etc. Fewer examples of clubs to partner with were noted, but general interest in working with other business school clubs was mentioned
Recommendations Focus programming on speakers, industries, and specific topics Plan events well in advance, and keep communications on a regular schedule to help members plan attendance Lectures by professors and “outstanding” speakers – mentioned multiple times Regular newsletters, events once or twice a month, topics announced well in advance, typically a panel or speaker at each event, members pay as they go… Events for specific industries – mentioned multiple times Topical events and planning further in advance requested by members Have an annual ball!
Recommendations Social/networking should be included in all programs Topical events should be organized including talks/lectures and panel discussions Cultural events are also of interest and could be organized as small group outings Members most likely to attend social/networking events; interested in talks/lectures and panel discussions too
Recommendations Continue to focus on to distribute information; encourage members to keep their preferred contact updated in the alumni directory Spread the word about the new LinkedIn page and keep it updated regularly to promote adoption is preferred contact method; LinkedIn is most preferred/acceptable social network tool
Recommendations Plan regular events on Thursday evenings, but not exclusively Further analysis was done on where to meet at each time, see next page… Half of members prefer Thursday evenings as a meeting time…
Recommendations Keep most events in Loop locations Combinations of time/location events explored on next page… Event location more important than event time in determining attendance (when surveyed in combination) – Loop is preferred location * Top ten location/time combinations shown – other combinations ranged from 0%-37% willing to attend; locations surveyed were Loop, Chicago Northside, N/NW suburbs, W/SW suburbs, S/SE suburbs
Holding events occasionally on Saturdays and in the N/NW Suburbs increase % of members who may attend ~15-20% Location and time Percent of respondents able and willing to attend one event or the other Thursday evening Loop events only 55 Thursday evening Loop and Saturday daytime Loop 73 Thursday evening Loop and Thursday evening N/NW suburbs 72 Thursday evening Loop and Saturday daytime N/NW suburbs 72 Thursday evening Loop and Saturday daytime Chicago Northside 72 Thursday evening Loop and Thursday evening Chicago Northside 62 Thursday evening Loop and Saturday daytime W/SW suburbs 62 Thursday evening Loop and Saturday daytime S/SE suburbs 59 Thursday evening Loop and Thursday evening W/SW suburbs 58 Thursday evening Loop and Thursday evening S/SE suburbs 56 Recommendations Keep big events on Thursday evenings in Loop locations, but… Include events at the following time and location combinations to increase coverage: –Saturday daytime events in the Loop –Thursday evening events in N/NW suburbs –Saturday daytime events in N/NW suburbs Communicate to club membership that if individuals want to organize smaller events (e.g. happy hours) in other locations or at other times, they are encouraged too but the club as a whole will not focus its efforts there due to low draw * Top ten 2 time/location combinations only are shown; these are the only combinations that give better results than Thurs evenings alone; 3 time/location combinations were not explored