Work in a group of 3-4, imagine a peaceful world. Then draw what you imagine in a piece of paper. Share with the other teams about your drawing.
What is a value? Deeply held ideals about what is moral, right, or good. They have emotional intensity. They are social-we develop values through experiences with others. In CP, values serve to: clarify choices for research and action identify when actions and espoused values do not match understanding a culture or community. be the basis of CP- shared sense of purpose and meaning.
1. Individual and family wellness 2. Sense of community 3. Respect for human diversity 4. Social justice 5. Empowerment and citizen participation 6. Collaboration and community strengths 7. Empirical grounding
Based on the core values, 1)Choose a social issue/problem in the community 2)identify possible research topics that can promote the interests of the community. 3)Provide justification for the research 4)In what way can the research help the community
The story of Prophet and the old woman. Islamic perspectives on community. The idea of an Ummah (al-Qur’an 49:13). The early Islamic community and the role of its leaders. Unity / spirit of brotherhood.
Core values help clarify issues and choices in research and actions. In Islam, all individuals have responsibilities to take care of each other.
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