I-95 Statewide Corridor Model in North Carolina: Unique Features and Challenges Presented to TRB Applications Conference May 9, 2013 Presented by Taruna Tayal, Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. Bill Thomas, Michael Baker Engineering
I-95 Statewide Corridor Model in NC: Unique Features and Challenges Why are we here? Purpose of the model and Unique features Data Collection Toll diversion model Model Formulation and VoT Conclusions/Findings
I-95 Statewide Corridor Model in NC: Unique Features and Challenges Purpose of the Model and Unique Features Toll feasibility for I-95 Corridor in the state of North Carolina Understand travel patterns on I-95 in NC Length of the corridor modeled – 182 miles First study of this magnitude in US Based on trip distance, studied 3 trip patterns for 2-trip purposes: Separate diversion calculation application for long- distance and in-corridor trips External-ExternalPassenger Car External-InternalHeavy Vehicle Internal-Internal
I-95 Statewide Corridor Model in NC: Unique Features and Challenges Data Collection 7 8 # ALPR data collected at 10 locations Eight on I-95 One each on: o I-40, and o US-64 ALPR data collected and matched for two vehicle class Passenger Cars Trucks 48-hour tube class counts collected at each location Travel Time data for I-95 and US-301 corridor
I-95 Statewide Corridor Model in NC: Unique Features and Challenges Toll Model OD Matrices, Networks Skim Long Distance Network (toll/no-toll) Long Distance Diversion Split OD matrix (Long Distance) Assign Long Distance matrices (UE) Skim Corridor Network (toll/no-toll) Corridor Diversion Split OD matrix (Corridor) Assign corridor matrices (UE) Skim congested networks Check for convergence Summary Statistics Not converged Toll Diversion Highway Assignment Convergence Check & Feedback Data Prep and Initial Skimming
I-95 Statewide Corridor Model in NC: Unique Features and Challenges VoT and Model Formulation Truck driver VOT does not change as a function of distance. Non-CV VOT increases as distance increases. Intercity travel VOT is higher than local travel VOT for passenger travelers Different VOT for : E-E : PC and Trucks E –I intercity: PC and Trucks E –I local: PC I –I intercity: PC and Trucks I –I local: PC PurposePC ($/hr)Trucks ($/hr) EE$18.11$30.13 E-I - Intercity$15.72$30.13 E-I Local$11.23 I-I - Intercity$12.16$30.13 I-I Local$8.68 Toll Share = (1 / (1 + e U )) U= a*(Time toll – Time free ) + b*Cost + C Toll + C ETC + C Calib
I-95 Statewide Corridor Model in NC: Unique Features and Challenges Conclusions/Findings
I-95 Statewide Corridor Model in NC: Unique Features and Challenges Conclusions/Findings
I-95 Statewide Corridor Model in NC: Unique Features and Challenges CONTACT