Art and Culture in Heian, Japan
“Dwellers Among the Clouds” Emperor moved the capital to Heian in 794 Nobles followed—court created Court—Group of nobles who live near and advise a ruler Became great center of culture and learning Why the “dwellers among the clouds”?
Literature Writing was very popular Women wrote journals and diaries Tale of Genji—World’s first full-length novel Lady Murasaki Shikibu Poetry written by men and women
The Pillow Book “When I first entered her majesty’s service I was indescribably shy…the first evening…when [the Empress] passed me some picture or a book to look at…I was all the time wondering if my hair was in order.” Have you ever felt this nervous? What did you do? Why do you think she is nervous?
Other Arts Paintings, sculpture, calligraphy Calligraphy— Decorative writing Architecture and performing arts
Zen Buddhism Lots of rituals in noble’s Buddhism Zen Buddhism—Self- discipline and meditation Adopted by warriors
Activity Take out a sheet of paper. Write about, or draw, a scene from your daily life. Be prepared to share with the class.