Good Morning Cougars Read this slide and be in your seat by the late bell! 1.Pick up the second page of the note helpers for the people on your team. 2.On the bottom half of your paper fill in the sentence that reads, “What is considered a _____________ source?” with secondary. 3.In your teams complete the first two note helper pages and put them in your binder.
people, ideas, languages, religions of Mrs. Quach-Vu Aragon Middle School
What do you think is causing these people to move? Where do you think these people are going? What part of their culture do you think they are taking with them?
Movement of people are usually because of push or pull factors
are problems in a country that will push people out of the country.
Poverty, overcrowding, lack of jobs and schools, prejudice, war, and political oppression Old Country
Are advantages in another country that will pull people into the country.
Higher standard of living (luxuries), employment and education opportunities, rights, freedom, peace, and safety New Country
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