Pet Nutrition Miss Tonnessen
Historically, dogs used to be the most popular pet in the US Explains why we have always paid greater attention to their health needs Times are changing More cats than dogs live in US households, currently Awareness of the dietary requirements of cats hasn’t kept pace with their changing status Background
Members of the Order Carnivora 22 amino acids Amino acids—building blocks of protein Essential—body does not produce or does not produce enough; must be supplied in the diet Non-essential—body produces enough Dogs & Cats
Cats are not just small dogs! Amino Acid requirement Cats—12 essential amino acids Dogs—11 essential amino acids Taurine Deficiency—blind, deaf, heart failure Exclusively diagnosed
Vitamins Vitamin A—health of the eyes, skin, and other tissues Dogs—convert beta carotene into vitamin A Cats—require an additional source Liver Supplement Cats are not just small dogs!
Minerals Cats require 5 times more thiamine than dogs Thiamine deficiency—poor quality coat, loss of appetite, a hunched posture, neurologic problems (seizure or death) Uncooked freshwater fish Cats are not just small dogs!