Deliverable Status + ToK Issues Christian Esposito University of Napoli Federico II Napoli, 19th July 2011
[1]F UTURE D ELIVERABLES WP L EADER TASKD ELIVERABLES M ONTH P ARTNER WP 3 Q UANTITATIVE EVALUATION OF R OBUSTNESS AND D EPEND - ABILITY FCTUC Prof. Henrique Madeira T3.1 Quantitative evaluation at component level Task Leader: Prof. Marco Vieira D3.1: Quantitative methods for assessment of OTS software components Oct 2011 CINI/UoN CSW T3.2 Quantitative evaluation at system level Task Leader: Prof. Marco Vieira D3.2: Quantitative methods and procedures for assessment of OTS-based software systems Feb 2012 T3.3 Quantitative evaluation at system interconnection level Task Leader: Prof. Henrique Madeira WP 4 T ECHNIQUES FOR ON - LINE FAULT DIAGNOSIS AND DYNAMIC RECONFIGURATI ON CINI/UoN Prof. Domenico Cotroneo T4.1 Detection and location mechanisms for diagnosing software faults Task Leader: Dr. Christian Esposito D4.1: State-of-the-art on fault diagnosis mechanism (report) Nov 2011 FCTUC CSW T4.2 Fault treatment and dynamic reconfiguration techniques Task Leader: Dr. Catello di Martino D4.2: Progress report on on-line diagnosis and reconfiguration techniques Mar 2012 N APOLI, 19 TH J ULY 2011 ::.. Upcoming Deliverables
[2]F UTURE D ELIVERABLES WP L EADER TASKD ELIVERABLES M ONTH P ARTNER WP 3 Q UANTITATIVE EVALUATION OF R OBUSTNESS AND D EPEND - ABILITY FCTUC Prof. Henrique Madeira T3.1 Quantitative evaluation at component level Task Leader: Prof. Marco Vieira D3.1: Quantitative methods for assessment of OTS software components Oct 2011 CINI/UoN CSW T3.2 Quantitative evaluation at system level Task Leader: Prof. Marco Vieira D3.2: Quantitative methods and procedures for assessment of OTS-based software systems Feb 2012 T3.3 Quantitative evaluation at system interconnection level Task Leader: Prof. Henrique Madeira WP 4 T ECHNIQUES FOR ON - LINE FAULT DIAGNOSIS AND DYNAMIC RECONFIGURATI ON CINI/UoN Prof. Domenico Cotroneo T4.1 Detection and location mechanisms for diagnosing software faults Task Leader: Dr. Christian Esposito D4.1: State-of-the-art on fault diagnosis mechanism (report) Nov 2011 FCTUC CSW T4.2 Fault treatment and dynamic reconfiguration techniques Task Leader: Dr. Catello di Martino D2.3: Guidelines to support software D4.2: Progress report on on-line diagnosis and reconfiguration techniques Mar 2012 ::.. Future Deliverables Scope: Description of all the quantitative evaluation methods, providing a suitable solution to be used for estimating the dependability level of single OTS items, as well as of the entire software systems. Person in charge: prof. Marco Vieira N APOLI, 19 TH J ULY 2011
[3]F UTURE D ELIVERABLES WP L EADER TASKD ELIVERABLES M ONTH P ARTNER WP 3 Q UANTITATIVE EVALUATION OF R OBUSTNESS AND D EPEND - ABILITY FCTUC Prof. Henrique Madeira T3.1 Quantitative evaluation at component level Task Leader: Prof. Marco Vieira D3.1: Quantitative methods for assessment of OTS software components Oct 2011 CINI/UoN CSW T3.2 Quantitative evaluation at system level Task Leader: Prof. Marco Vieira D3.2: Quantitative methods and procedures for assessment of OTS-based software systems Feb 2012 T3.3 Quantitative evaluation at system interconnection level Task Leader: Prof. Henrique Madeira WP 4 T ECHNIQUES FOR ON - LINE FAULT DIAGNOSIS AND DYNAMIC RECONFIGURATI ON CINI/UoN Prof. Domenico Cotroneo T4.1 Detection and location mechanisms for diagnosing software faults Task Leader: Dr. Christian Esposito D4.1: State-of-the-art on fault diagnosis mechanism (report) Nov 2011 FCTUC CSW T4.2 Fault treatment and dynamic reconfiguration techniques Task Leader: Dr. Catello di Martino D2.3: Guidelines to support software D4.2: Progress report on on-line diagnosis and reconfiguration techniques Mar 2012 ::.. Future Deliverables Scope: Description of all the quantitative evaluation methods, providing a suitable solution to be used for estimating the dependability level of single OTS items, as well as of the entire software systems. Person in charge: prof. Marco Vieira Unknown status?!? N APOLI, 19 TH J ULY 2011
[4]F UTURE D ELIVERABLES WP L EADER TASKD ELIVERABLES M ONTH P ARTNER WP 3 Q UANTITATIVE EVALUATION OF R OBUSTNESS AND D EPEND - ABILITY FCTUC Prof. Henrique Madeira T3.1 Quantitative evaluation at component level Task Leader: Prof. Marco Vieira D3.1: Quantitative methods for assessment of OTS software components Oct 2011 CINI/UoN CSW T3.2 Quantitative evaluation at system level Task Leader: Prof. Marco Vieira D3.2: Quantitative methods and procedures for assessment of OTS-based software systems Feb 2012 T3.3 Quantitative evaluation at system interconnection level Task Leader: Prof. Henrique Madeira WP 4 T ECHNIQUES FOR ON - LINE FAULT DIAGNOSIS AND DYNAMIC RECONFIGURATI ON CINI/UoN Prof. Domenico Cotroneo T4.1 Detection and location mechanisms for diagnosing software faults Task Leader: Dr. Christian Esposito D4.1: State-of-the-art on fault diagnosis mechanism (report) Nov 2011 FCTUC CSW T4.2 Fault treatment and dynamic reconfiguration techniques Task Leader: Dr. Catello di Martino D4.2: Progress report on on-line diagnosis and reconfiguration techniques Mar 2012 ::.. Future Deliverables Scope: Overview of the state of the art on software faults diagnosis, and description of the proposed detection and location mechanisms, as well as the architecture of the proposed diagnosis engine. Person in charge: dr. Christian Esposito N APOLI, 19 TH J ULY 2011
[5]F UTURE D ELIVERABLES WP L EADER TASKD ELIVERABLES M ONTH P ARTNER WP 3 Q UANTITATIVE EVALUATION OF R OBUSTNESS AND D EPEND - ABILITY FCTUC Prof. Henrique Madeira T3.1 Quantitative evaluation at component level Task Leader: Prof. Marco Vieira D3.1: Quantitative methods for assessment of OTS software components Oct 2011 CINI/UoN CSW T3.2 Quantitative evaluation at system level Task Leader: Prof. Marco Vieira D3.2: Quantitative methods and procedures for assessment of OTS-based software systems Feb 2012 T3.3 Quantitative evaluation at system interconnection level Task Leader: Prof. Henrique Madeira WP 4 T ECHNIQUES FOR ON - LINE FAULT DIAGNOSIS AND DYNAMIC RECONFIGURATI ON CINI/UoN Prof. Domenico Cotroneo T4.1 Detection and location mechanisms for diagnosing software faults Task Leader: Dr. Christian Esposito D4.1: State-of-the-art on fault diagnosis mechanism (report) Nov 2011 FCTUC CSW T4.2 Fault treatment and dynamic reconfiguration techniques Task Leader: Dr. Catello di Martino D4.2: Progress report on on-line diagnosis and reconfiguration techniques Mar 2012 ::.. Future Deliverables Scope: Overview of the state of the art on software faults diagnosis, and description of the proposed detection and location mechanisms, as well as the architecture of the proposed diagnosis engine. Person in charge: dr. Christian Esposito At the moment, the first draft of the deliverable has been exchanged among the participants. We are waiting a contribution from SESM about Diagnosis Background and Related. N APOLI, 19 TH J ULY 2011
[6]T O K I SSUE ::.. ToK Issue N APOLI, 19 TH J ULY 2011
[7]T O K I SSUE ::.. ToK Issue Prof. Henrique Madeira secondment in July equal to 5 weeks, while in November only one week. Re- arrengement needed. N APOLI, 19 TH J ULY 2011