Shang Dynasty Class Created Notes- B-Day December 13, 2012
A Shang Capital City Archeologists learned a lot about the Shang when they excavated the ruins at Anyang in 1928 Cities included a palace, a temple, and houses Archeologists found bones under the foundations of the King’s palace, which led them to believe that there were human sacrifices When a King was buried, slaves, servants, and animals were sacrificed so that they could serve the king in the afterlife
Shang Government Shang government was led by a powerful King Power was sometimes passed from the King to his younger brothers Engaged in constant war with enemies Used prisoners of war for labor & human sacrifices The armies were powerful because the weapons were made of bronze Shang armies were made up of large numbers of foot soldiers, archers, cavalry riding horses and elephants, and fighters in chariots
Shang Social Classes Shang Dynasty had many different social classes King & His relatives were at the top of the social classes Nobles-2 nd highest ranking social class, fought in the army & provided weapons for the army Craftspeople-small social class, included bronze & jade workers, stone masons, and potters
Shang Social Class Traders-Trade Goods and Resources Farmers-Largest social class, worked in small plots of land that were owned by the nobles & ruling classes Slaves-At the bottom, they were often prisoners of war. Built tombs and palaces, were often sacrificed when their owners died
Religion Under the Shang Believed that dead ancestors had the power to help or harm humans Honored ancestors through human sacrifices, food, & wine Kings used oracle bones to ask ancestors questions Holy man wrote messages on oracle bones. Would press a hot needle on the bone, and when the bone cracked they believed it revealed a message
Writing & Art Under the Shang Writing at first was pictograph images that stood for objects By the end of the Shang Dynasty people used logographs, characters that stand for words Craftspeople made beautiful vessels & other objects Most common picture was an animal mask called a tootie Jade pieces were important. Believed the quality of the jade represented the qualities of a superior person
Technology Under the Shang & The End of the Shang Dynasty Working with bronze was an important technology Used bronze for arrowheads, spears and helmets Remained in power for 500 years Amazing in war, built up great wealth Fighting weakened Shang Much wealth, but died in war