Who will I be? A Middle School Career Exploration by Laura Perran-Shoemake for ECOMP5106 (it’s your move…)
Essential Questions Knowledge: What are three jobs that are related to your strongest area of intelligence? What is one strategy good for people with our learning style? Comprehension: What are examples of the skills that you have that will help you in a specific career? In what areas of the country do you think you would find jobs in the career area you’ve chosen to research ? Application: How is the level of education received by someone often related to the amount of their income? How is learning to set goals now related to you having a career as an adult?
More Essential Questions Analysis: From the knowledge of your current strengths and weaknesses, and the career requirements, what could be the easiest part in reaching your career goal? From the knowledge of your current strengths and weaknesses, and the career requirements, what could be the hardest part in reaching your career goal? Synthesis: If in twenty years, your job was to be completely taken over by robotics, what would be the most difficult part of your job for a robot to do? How does the data about the area you would like to move to support this as a good move for you and your career? Evaluation: Which classes and activities in high school will help you prepare for your goals? How or why? Why do you think preparing questions and interviewing an expert in your field of interest was, or wasn’t, helpful to you in this project?
Academic Areas Covered Transition to high school Career Education Language Arts Technology Math Geography Social Skills
Technology Goals Increase research skills: Use Boolean terms to find primary and secondary sources related to career field Evaluate sources for reliability and up-to- datedness. Use a computer-based programs to present information: PowerPoint Excel Word
Technology Goals Use appropriate ‘netiquette’ in using internet resources and in communicating with others. Internet use for research and communication, according to the school’s Acceptable Use Policy. Use safe communication with others on the internet. Follow copyright laws when using information and pictures from others in presentations, including citing sources.
Introductory Performance Learning Styles Assessment: Discussion: How do you learn best? Take the Learning Styles test online at Application: Discuss strategies that are suggested for different learning styles, find one that you can test out!
Guided Performance Choosing a Geographic Location: Discussion on job locations Create rubric to score a potential place to live and work. Possible rubric criteria: Where job opportunities will be located Expected income Cost of living Recreation climate population
Culminating Activity PowerPoint Presentation will include: Learning Style and Multiple Intelligence survey results graphed Strengths, needs and goals Career interests Classes you should take in high school to get ready projected income for the level of education you want to obtain Information from an interview with an expert in your career field Geographic location A list of your sources
Who will I be? The paths you take The moves you make Those are the things that decide Who you will be…