2.3: Issues influencing human-environmental interactions in a selected ecozone
Mixedwood Plain: The area of Canada that is the most populated Major cities like Toronto, Ottawa, Montreal all reside in the Mixedwood Plain. This is troubling because the mixedwood plain is the most fertile area of Canada With Increased population there is the need to convert farmland to other uses
In the Southern Arctic climate change is having a dramatic effect on the ecozone The permafrost of that area is threatened Losing permafrost will have negative effects on both plant and animal life There will also be further atmospheric damage as carbon from the soil is put back into the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide is a green house gas, and will contribute to global warming!!!
Logging and mining are two resource extraction activities that go on in the boreal forest Both have negative effects on the ecozone that will be felt for a long time The damage from both is repairable
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