Guinea By: Erin Pickens By: Erin Pickens Block 1 Block 1 Mr. Huff Mr. Huff
Location The countries bordering Guinea include Côte d'Ivoire, Guinea-Bissau, Liberia, Mali, Senegal, and Sierra Leoneb. Guinea also borders the North Atlantic Ocean on the east. Guinea’s water sources include the Niger river, Senegal river, and Gambia river. Conakry is the capital of Guinea, and it’s largest city. It’s land area is 245,857 sq km. It’s current population is estimated at 10,211,437.
Location/Map of Guinea
Major Historical Events Major Historical Events France declares Guinea to be a colony, separate from Senegal 1958 October - Guinea becomes independent, with Ahmed Sekou Toure as President % of Guinea’s armed forces rebel over low pay, presidential palace is set on fire, and Approximately 30 people were killed 2005 January - President Conte survives what security officials say is an assassination attempt, shots were fired as his motorcade passed through the capital
Major Individuals in Guinea Major Individuals in Guinea Ahmed Sekou Toure – President when Guinea becomes independent Louis Lansana Beavogui- Had the shortest term for Presidency, March 26, April 3, 1984 Lansana Conte – Current President of Guinea, since 1984 Ahmed Sekou Toure
Current Political Environment Current Political Environment Guinea’s Government is Republic The Political System is a Democracy The President is Lansana Conté The Prime Minister is Lansana Kouyaté who was appointed by the President A major political movement in Guinea is the change from a military government to a democratic government, but is yet completed The last presidential election was held on June 19, 2005
Major Imports and Exports Imports Petroleum products, machinery, equipment and construction materials, other consumer goods, services and technology Guinea’s import partners include France, China, Belgium, Italy, the Netherlands, the UK, Cot d'Ivoire, and the USA Exports Bauxite, alumina, gold, diamonds, coffee, fish, and agricultural products Guinea’s export partners include South Korea, Russia, Spain, Ireland, the United States, Ukraine, and Belgium
Cultural Activities Cultural Activities The official language in Guinea is French. Other languages spoken include Fula, Maninka, Susu, Arabic, Kissi, and Pular. 85% of Guinea's population is Muslim, and other beliefs include Indigenous and Christianity. Most people in Guinea are Roman Catholic. Guinea has four main ethnic groups; Peuhl, Malinke, Soussous, and several smaller groups. The four-day pre-Lent celebrations and parades are a chance for music, dance and culture of the country's different ethnic groups.
The Future of Guinea What I Believe the future holds for Guinea: Guinea will change to a democratic government It will become a huge country of export, because they are on the coast, and have many useful exports It’s population will increase, because many people from other countries in Africa will want to move there due to good agriculture, useful exports, and needed imports
Thank you for watching my slide show on Guinea!