OVOCE/FRUIT APPLE,PEAR,PLUM,BANANA,ORANGE Tangerine,grapefriuf,grapewine/wine LEMON,MELON,CHERRY Colours,sweet,acid,
Pear This is pear. Pear is green,yellow and sweet.
Apple This is apple. Apple is red,yellow and sweet
Plum This is plum. Plum is dark blue. Plum is durk purple. Plum is sweet. Plum is very good in jam.
Cherry Chery is - Where you can find cherry?
Banana Fill Banana is - - Banana si from……..?
Orange,tangerine Orange/tangerine is.. -
What you can find At homeAt foreign
Lemon,grapefruit Lemon is - Grapefriut is -
COLOURS Which fruit is: Red Green Yellow