Building the Panama Canal Location:
I. Reasons for Canal 1. Political benefit a. Move naval ships around globe quickly a. Move naval ships around globe quickly 2. Economic benefit b. Move goods from b. Move goods from east to west quickly east to west quickly -cut trade costs -cut trade costs with Asia with Asia
II. Anger in Latin America 1. Teddy Roosevelt boasted about the 1. Teddy Roosevelt boasted about the role of the U.S. in resolving Panama’s role of the U.S. in resolving Panama’s revolution. revolution. a. Many felt U.S. support was unnecessary. a. Many felt U.S. support was unnecessary.
III. Why Panama? 1. Narrow land mass 2. Plans to dig a canal in neighboring Nicaragua: Nicaragua: a. PROS: a. PROS: -Less disease -Less disease (healthy conditions) (healthy conditions) -Many Lakes (less digging) -Many Lakes (less digging) b. CONS: b. CONS: -Lakes too shallow -Lakes too shallow -Land mass too wide -Land mass too wide
IV. Building the Canal 1. America succeeded where others failed a. Earlier French attempt(s) a. Earlier French attempt(s) -Failed because: -Failed because: -Could not control disease -Could not control disease -Ran out of finances -Ran out of finances b. American success b. American success -able to control “Yellow Fever” -able to control “Yellow Fever” -willing to spend the money -willing to spend the money