Dengue Fever Diana Lopez BIOL 62
“I felt severe body aches- even my eye balls hurt. The fever was high and I just felt like sleeping to avoid the pain.” -Diana B. Lopez
Severity of Dengue Fever Symptoms vary depending on whether it is your first or second viral infection First Viral Strain Encounterd 10 Days Flu-like Symptoms Second Viral Strain Encountered Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever Dengue Shock Syndrome
Dengue is caused by a flavivirus with a single stranded RNA genome
Aedes Mosquito Flaviviruses, including those which cause Dengue, West Nile infection, and Yellow Fever, are all transmitted by mosquitos
Protect Yourself from Mosquito Bites! While Outside Heavily Populated Areas RepellantsNets Long sleeves and pants While Inside Doors and screens Air Conditioning Prevention is the key
WHO played a big role in creating DengueNet
Without a vaccine or antiviral medication, treatment is restricted to managing symptoms HydrateRest Acetamin -ophen Avoid Aspirin!
An ideal test will diagnose the Dengue virus and strain Direct Detection Virus isolation Genome detection Antigen detection Indirect Detection 5 days after symptoms begin IgM antibodies Primary infection IgG antibodies Secondary infection Detected after months
There are a number of methods of diagnosing Dengue virus
Dengue primarily affects tropical countries in the developing world 100 million new cases per year Denguematters Newsletter Rapid Spread
It can lead to a “Downhill Spiral of Debt” Infection/Re- infection Adults Miss Work Loss of Income Treatment is expensive and distant Forced to sell property/ Loans
Purpose of Research Population Biology Transmission Patterns Aedes Mosquito Vector Biology is one key area of research
A live, attenuated Dengue vaccine is under development, but has yet to reach the targeted full protection A safe vaccine is possible! Serotype-specific efficacy of the CYD tetravalent Dengue vaccine against Dengue disease
Sources reference dengue-fever-research costs-dengue asicResearch/pages/howdenguematures.aspx
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