Sigmund Freud’s Theory of Personality Notes for ISU.


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Presentation transcript:

Sigmund Freud’s Theory of Personality Notes for ISU

Man: The Rational Animal Plato and Aristotle agreed that human reason is man’s most distinctive quality. Some Jewish and Christian religious thinkers agree that reason is important, though they tend to emphasize love and devotion to God. In Western society, the belief that human beings are rational remain strong.

Freud’s View Sigmund Freud is known as the father of psychology and the creator of psychotherapy (or psychoanalysis). Freud studied his patients’ dreams closely. He realized that our actions are results of hidden (or unconscious) desires. The unconscious is a repository of memories, fears, hopes, etc.

Freud’s Tripartite View of Personality The personality consists of the interaction between three parts: – id – ego – superego The three parts are competing; they engage in a power struggle.

The Id The id is the unconscious, uncivilized part of the brain. It governs the instinctual drives for food, sex, and aggression. Sex and aggression are innate, and relief can be achieved only by the selfish satisfaction of desires. The id is also associated with the instinct for self- preservation.

The Superego The superego is a partially conscious force that is the opposite of the unruly id. It governs the conscience; thus, it puts the brakes on the id. It acts as the parental voice of moderation, prohibition, and even guilt. The superego is the teacher’s pet.

The Ego The ego is part of the conscious mind. It represents intelligence and perception. It mediates the struggle between the id and the superego; it also mediates their activity with the outside world. Freud: “The ego stands for reason and good sense while the id stands for untamed passions.” Once the struggle becomes conscious, the ego becomes able to assert healthy and enlightened control over them.