S ummary Twilight starts out in the perspective of seventeen year old Isabella Swan, "Bella" who has a normal boring life, until she moves to Forks, Washington with her father Charlie. She doesn't expect anything to change because what could happen in a small town where it never stops raining? But she was wrong! As soon as she laid her eyes on Edward Cullen, her life changed completely. He and his brothers and sisters were so beautiful, and she couldn't help staring. At first she tries to avoid Edward, and acts as if he is annoying, but really she is burning inside to get to know him. She later finds out that he is different that he is a vampire! Even though Edward tells her to stay away, she still tries to talk to him in school, and finds any excuse she can to be near him. Their relationship strengthens, and she finally begins to realize that her life is in danger because of her hanging out with the Cullen's. Just one simple game of baseball, (well, it is vampire baseball) She encounters a tracker (James). James instantly becomes obsessed with Bella, and decides to track her. The Cullen's try to keep her safe, but since Bella is so stubborn, she decides she will go after him herself. She will do anything to try and save her mother. She meets James in a ballet studio where he attacks her. In the end Edward and the Cullen's save her, and Edward and Bella promise to be together forever.
Characters Bella Swan=Is The Seventeen year old that moves with her Father and is one of the Major Characters in the Book. The Cullen’s= Edward Cullen, Carlisle Cullen, Esme Cullen, Alice Cullen, Emmett Cullen, Renesmee Cullen=They all are Vampires That are Believed to Live up to Thousands of Years. James=He is The Selfish Self-centered Vampire that wants to Kill Bella And The Cullen’s Toria=Is James Lover and Will do anything for James. Laurent=Is Apart of James and his Team He was not apart of James Plans to Kill Bella but he will help kill The Cullen’s Jacob= is the Werewolves that has been Bella Friend every since they were Kids.
The Author and Who I Think Should Read This Book The Author of this book is Stephanie Meyer and The people I think that should really read this book is Teens That Are in High school Because this book is very mature.
The Setting The Setting of this book is A lot of Places But the Main Places Are In School and in Forest/woods Because they Live in the Mountains.
Book Type The Book Type Of this book is Fantasy.