Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies University of Edinburgh DIRECTOR OF STUDIES FORUM Dr. Geoff T. Pearson 1st September 2010 ‘The role of the DoS’
Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies University of Edinburgh The Director of Studies (DoS) system The role of the DoS is to provide academic and pastoral support to help directees resolve any problems that are affecting their studies All students in the University are allocated a DoS A DoS in R(D)SVS does not need to give guidance on course choices
Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies University of Edinburgh What can a Directee expect of their DoS? availability as a first point of contact willingness to advise and support REFERRAL to professional expertise if needed DoS as Directee’s advocate Special Circumstances Committee Progression & Professional Development Committee Undergraduate Student Appeal Student Counselling Service Disability Office Centre for Teaching Learning and Assessment (TLA) The Advice Place (EUSA)
Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies University of Edinburgh Reasons why students contact their DoS general study advice & difficulties for feedback on assessments personal problems: illness/injury family-related problems – illness, bereavement relationship issues accommodation problems financial problems notify year administrator course organiser/ exam board chair absence
Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies University of Edinburgh need for a reference/referee, e.g. renting accommodation vacation employment/EMS application for funding excusal from jury service passport application to submit a medical certificate to discuss studying an intercalated degree seeking an academic reference to notify circumstances that have affected their performance in assessments or examinations - continued Reasons why students contact their DoS notify year administrator special circumstances committee / exam board
Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies University of Edinburgh Pastoral care and Referral R(D)SVS is renowned for the quality and degree of pastoral care supplied by our DoS system However….. The DoS must know his/her limitations when dealing with the more serious of problems SEEK ADVICE from a more experienced DoS or the Director of Student Affairs; CONSIDER REFERRAL N.B. the problem may not be that serious for a directee to be referred e.g. Study Skills help available in School Dr Catriona Bell (VTO)
Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies University of Edinburgh Guidance & advice on academic matters It is not the role of the DoS to give extra tuition….. students with specific questions & problems relating to lectures and practicals should approach the teaching staff involved Feedback after assessments is very important – should be done once a semester (especially for failing students) Take note of comments & recommendations at Examination Boards Contacts with Chair of Examination Boards and Course directors can be helpful
Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies University of Edinburgh Reasons for a DoS to contact a Directee: routine meeting to discuss progress & portfolio unsatisfactory performance in an assessment or examination to discuss ‘flagged’ instances of unprofessional behaviour relating to e.g. attendance appearance and conduct plagiarism health and safety interpersonal skills/relationships
Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies University of Edinburgh DoS meetings with directees Group meeting of DoS and his/her directees in week 2 of Semester 1 Wednesday 29 th September 2010 morning designated for DoS meetings (no classes) One-on-one meeting before end of Semester 1 Meeting before end of year to discuss progress & professional portfolio (compulsory for 1 st & 2 nd yr)
Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies University of Edinburgh DoS meetings with directees respect a Directee’s confidence in you only share information with permission or if you suspect there is a serious event in prospect Confidentiality
Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies University of Edinburgh Advice to your directees: you can request a meeting with your DoS anytime if you have problem, don’t let it fester…. contact your DoS if you can’t make contact with your own DoS, approach any other DoS or the Director of Student Affairs important to read s, consult EEVeC and look at noticeboards your DoS may request a meeting with you (most appointments are made by )
Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies University of Edinburgh ‘The role of the DoS’ …… can be interesting & informative …… can be humbling …… can be challenging …… can be satisfying, rewarding & enjoyable but do not ‘go overboard’