1.How much time do you spend online per week? 2.What do you spend your online time doing? (gaming, social media etc.) How much time to you spend doing each? 3.How do you feel when you don’t have internet access, or don’t have your phone? 4.Do you consider yourself a multitasker? Why? 5.Do you think you are a good multitasker? Why/why not? Preliminary Discussion Questions
1.Should teachers allow students to have their phones out during class? 2.What are the pros and cons of having web access during class? 3.Is gaming addiction real? Why/why not? 4.Did you find yourself multitasking this weekend? What were you trying to do and how well did you do it? Part 1 - Discussion Questions
1.What do you think about South Korea’s “gaming issue?” 2.How can an entire culture have such a problem with gaming addiction while others (U.S.) do not? Or do we? 3.How does South Korea compare to RPO? 4.Is a global gaming addiction actually possible? Part 2 – Gaming Addiction
1.If you could change how we use technology on campus, how would you do it to better your learning? 2.What are the pros and cons of requiring students to use a laptop in class and out of class? 3.If you could skip my class everyday, but had to log in for an hour per day to do the work, would you do it? Explain. 4.Do you agree with the administrators at the South Bronx school? 5.Are the kids in the clip going to be more prepared for the future? Does the school “make more sense” to you, or is it “instant gratification education?” 6.How well do you think you would do at a school like this? 7.Do you think distractions affect your writing? Explain. Part 3 – Technology in the Classroom