TWO PATHS THROUGH DEVELOPMENTAL MATHEMATICS? The Parkland Redesign Adventure Erin Wilding-Martin and Brian Mercer
Our Charge To investigate issues related to the algebra sequence and: to determine what the problems are; to determine the characteristics of the populations who are affected by them, and who are not; to propose remedies in the form of long and short term goals
We considered… State and national discussions about students who are not bound for college algebra Can we provide a quality option that would be more beneficial to their educational path? Can we provide a quality option that would reduce time in developmental coursework?
So we weighed the pros and cons Could beef up int alg for those headed to col alg without hurting others Could add some really interesting topics to the gen ed track Could free up time in the gen ed track for more critical thinking and problem solving Fears about a second track that doesn’t look like intermediate algebra Fears about “watering things down” Fears about advising nightmares ProsCons And it appeared that it was mostly just fear holding us back.
Flow Chart for the New Curriculum
College Algebra-Bound Track Intermediate algebra Added exponentials and logarithms to increase algebraic rigor and pace of the course Cover all topics more in-depth and with more rigor Offer courses in halves so students can start over at midterm
Gen Ed Track (Mathematical Literacy) Topics chosen to prepare students for General Education Mathematics and Statistics, and Life Algebra addressed in context, focus on numeracy and functions Data analysis and modeling integrated throughout Incorporate reading, writing, technology
Gen Ed Track (Mathematical Literacy) Group-based problem-solving pedagogy Use an online homework system for more skill practice outside of class Work on problem-solving, critical thinking, and conceptual understanding in class Look at real data, explore patterns, create models, solve problems, have fun
Implementation Issues College buy-in Educating advisors Educating other departments Marketing to students College-wide
Implementation Issues Faculty buy-in for content and pedagogy Materials Classroom layout Scheduling Assessment Departmental
Implementation Issues Student expectations Technology Group dynamics Learning styles Student
Implementation Issues Initial training Technology Pedagogy Confidence Instructor
Timeline Investigation and department approval - Spring 2012 Began class testing and finalized content - Fall 2012 Continued class testing and PR tour - Spring 2013 Full implementation in both tracks - Fall 2013 Assessment and Revision ongoing
Contact info Erin Wilding-Martin Brian Mercer