Capture-recapture Models for Open Populations Abundance, Recruitment and Growth Rate Modeling 6.15 UF-2015
Population Growth Model
Estimated from capture-recapture data = “finite rate of population increase” Closely related to population changes Difference with the obtained from projection matrices –It does not rely on asymptotics (e.g., temporal constancy of vital rates, stable age distribution) –It incorporates movement as well as birth and death
3 approaches Jolly-Seber Superpopulation Reverse-time
Jolly-Seber Model
Concept of the JS model Same kind of modeling as CJS model, but extended to abundance (N) Idea: apply the p estimated based on marked animals to unmarked animals => allows modeling Pr(animal never caught)
Data u m m 0 m u m 0 0 m u m m 0 0 Etc…
Conceptual model
Estimation of Abundance Apply the p estimated based on marked animals to unmarked animals as well Abundance is estimated as: (marked + unmarked caught) / (estimated capture probability)
Estimation of Abundance, N i, and Recruitment From i to i+1, B i n i = number of animals caught/detected at sample period i p estimated from marked animals # of survivors
2 important assumptions In addition to ‘classic’ CJS assumptions, we assume: Same survival for marked and unmarked animals Same detection for marked and unmarked animals
Superpopulation Model (called POPAN in MARK)
Superpopulation Approach B0B0 N 1 = B 0 N 1 –S 1 N 2 = S 1 + B 1 N3N3 N4N4 B1B1 N 2 –S 2 B2B2 N 3 –S 3 B3B3 k=1k=2k=3 K=4
Special Application: Estimation of Birds Passing Through a Migration Stopover Site
Superpopulation and JS models Data: marked animals and unmarked animals detected Key Assumption: Marked and unmarked animals have similar capture probabilities
...a backward process with recruitment and no mortality is statistically equivalent to a forward process with mortality and no recruitment Pollock et al. (1974) Reverse-time Model
Reverse time modeling i = seniority parameter = probability that an animal in the sampled population at period i was already in the sampled population at i-1
Reverse time modeling
Reverse-time Modeling: Potential Uses
Pradel’s Full Likelihood 2 ways to write expected number of animals alive in 2 successive sample periods:
Pradel’s Full Likelihood Simultaneous forward- and reverse-time modeling (called temporal-symmetry model)
Pradel’s Full Likelihood: 3 Parameterizations i = seniority parameter i = population growth rate f i = recruitment rate (recruits at i+1 per animal at i) = B i / N i
Relationships Reminder: i = seniority parameter = probability that an animal in the sampled population at period i was already in the sampled population at i-1 = contribution to pop growth due to survival
Pradel’s Full Likelihood: Potential Uses Direct estimation of and its temporal variance This should correspond more closely than projection matrix ’s to observed population changes because: –It does not rely on asymptotics (e.g., temporal constancy of vital rates, stable age distribution) –It incorporates movement as well as birth and death Can model as a function of covariates and specific vital rates (proper way to do “key factor analysis”)
Remember: Jolly-Seber annual population size (one value/year) Superpopulation N* is # animal ever in population (summed over years…) Reverse-time (gives you estimate of λ or recruitment directly)