Clare County Childcare Committee DVD: Your Child’s Journey Choosing Childcare A Support for Traveller Parents
Overview Funding Actions Funded Clare CCC Research DVD
Strand Two Dormant Accounts Funding for the Pre-school Education Initiative for Traveller Children
Dormant Accounts Funding Strand 2 supported the pre-school centre in the integration process. (childcare services with no more than 40% Traveller children in attendance) Clare CCC were approved funding on behalf of 4 childcare services in Clare that have Traveller children in attendance
Actions Funded Research to explore Traveller’s experiences of early years services in County Clare. DVD to support Traveller Parents/Families in accessing mainstream early years services. Training FETAC level 5 Module on Diversity and Equality in Childcare Resources purchased for the 4 services – locally made by Travellers which reflect and support Traveller culture and identity.
Clare CCC Research Fieldwork carried out with childcare providers (both settled and Traveller) and Traveller parents Areas targeted Shannon, Ennistymon, Kilrush and Ennis; areas where Travellers are mainly located in Clare
Research Findings Consultations with Traveller Parents Strong understanding and appreciation of childcare – but only as a means of learning and preparation for primary school. Lack of understanding of the value in terms of play and child development. Felt it was important that their children mixed with settled children. Very strong sense of Traveller culture being excluded in comparison to other cultures being represented. Like to see their culture more visible in childcare services, more talked about and shared. Expressed concerns and fears about their children being identified as Travellers in the early years setting and possibly experiencing discrimination.
Consultations with Traveller Childcare Staff Like the Parents they also felt that other cultural identities were being represented in Early Years Settings but not Traveller Culture. They felt that it was important to have open discussions about the daily lives and customs of all the children in the service. In general they felt that there was good integration and social mixing for Traveller children in early years services but more should be done to support their identity.
Consultations with Settled Childcare Staff Low level of awareness of why its important to acknowledge cultural diversity and to support the inclusion of Travellers. Demonstrated a greater understanding of inclusion for foreign nationals than for indigenous Travellers. In a few cases there was evidence of racist and prejudicial attitudes towards Travellers and condemnation of any additional supports or opportunities being offered to Travellers. They identified prejudice and resistance from other parents as one of the biggest barriers but they also identified that they knew of childcare staff that didn’t want Travellers to attend. They recognised that these areas needed to be addressed and felt that in order for change to happen they would require appropriate training.
Clare CCC Research For Copies of Full Research Report Contact Clare County Childcare Committee
Aim of DVD To support Traveller Parents in making an informed decision about accessing childcare. To ease the transition from home to a childcare setting for Traveller children by familiarising Parents with the process. To support the process of integration. To promote the importance of supporting a child’s cultural identity in childcare.
Sections of the DVD Section One: Types of Childcare Section Two: Starting in Childcare Section Three: The Value of Learning through Play Section Four: Making Friends Section Five: The Value of Routine Section Six: Preparing for School Section Seven: Identity and Belonging Section Eight: The Benefits of Childcare
Using the DVD Organisations/professionals will show this DVD as part of a facilitated session with Traveller Parents. Booklet for Facilitators with DVD – outlines format for such sessions, available support information and useful contacts. Checklist for Traveller Parents to take away as a reminder.
Future Plans A proposal is currently with the Early Years Education Policy Unit, OMCYA – Training of Trainers Programme to continue – Childcare Staff Training – Mentoring Programme – Seminar – Training DVD