Welcome Prospective School Guidance and Adjustment Counseling Graduate Students Dr. K. Noone-Yvon Program Director
Program Entry Requirements Prerequisite: A bachelor's degree from a regionally accredited institution or a recognized international institution of higher education. The admission decision will be based on the following: 1. A completed application packet, including a one-page, type written personal goals and objectives statement and application fee, find 2. Two professional recommendations. 3. Official transcripts from all institutions of higher education attended. 4. A grade point average of 2.67 or better (on a 4.0 scale) in the major field of study. 5. Documentation of successful completion (passing scores) of Parts I and II of the Communication and Literacy Skills Test from the Massachusetts Tests for Educator Licensure (MTEL).
Financial Aid Information Students must be registered for 6 credits each semester in order to be eligible for financial aid. How to Apply Step 1: Get a U.S. Department of Education PIN (personal identification number) at to complete the FAFSA on line. Step 2: Complete the "Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)" as soon as possible - -File online at -AIC's School Code for the FAFSA is Step 3: AIC will issue a financial aid decision after a review of the FAFSA and any other documentation submitted in support of the application. Step 4: Advise your financial aid counselor if you wish to decline or reduce loan. Step 5: Optional: You may appeal the financial aid decision if family circumstances have changed or if you cannot finance the difference between anticipated charges and your financial assistance.
Location Classes only meet on the Springfield campus 1000 State St. Springfield, MA Parking Information Commuter students register their vehicles with campus police (Bldg. 21) park in the commuter student lots located on Oak Grove Avenue (Lot B), Maynard Street (Lot I) and the Mall Lot (Lot A).
Schedule Cohort Model Classes meet on Tuesday or Wednesday evenings: 4:30 p.m. to 9:15 p.m. Practicum Seminars may vary Each course meets for 8 weeks Fall semester: August through December Spring semester: January through June
Extended Campus Participation Class participation is worth 20% of the grade. Missed class time may have a negative impact on a student's grade. Students are responsible for all work assigned Given the accelerated program structure, it is critical that students discuss any absences from class with the professor.
School Guidance Program Degree & Major Master of Arts in Educational Psychology 30 credits over two years 10 classes each 3 credits 75 course embedded practicum hours (total) PSY5215 (formerly PSY 425), PSY5230 (formerly PSY 483), and PSY5240 (formerly PSY 519)
School Guidance Program Certificate of Advanced Graduate Study 30 credits 75 course embedded hours (total) PSY6850 (formerly PSY 409), PSY6845 (formerly PSY 525), and PSY5305 (formerly PSY 488) Advanced Practicum (450 hours) Seminar & Portfolio Clinical Experience (700 hours) Action Based Research Project
Certificate of Advanced Graduate Study: Guidance continued Following the 30-credit MAEP Eligible for endorsement after completion of PSY5345 (formerly PSY 515), PSY6515 (formerly PSY 532), PSY6850 (formerly PSY 409), & Advanced Practicum Initial License is obtained by receiving endorsement (following Advanced Practicum) & applying to DESE School Guidance (PreK-8 or 5-12) Eligible for Professional Licensure in Guidance 60 credit program (30-credit MAEP & 30-credit CAGS) 3 years of employment Awarded by DESE
School Adjustment Counseling Program Master of Arts in Educational Psychology 30 credits over 2 years 10 classes each 3 credits 75 course embedded practicum hours (total) PSY5215 (formerly PSY 425), PSY5230 (formerly PSY 483), and PSY5240 (formerly PSY 519)
School Adjustment Counseling Program Certificate of Advanced Graduate Study 30 credits 75 course embedded practicum hours PSY6850 (formerly PSY 409), PSY6845 (formerly PSY 525), and PSY5241(formerly PSY 429) Advanced Practicum (900 hours) Clinical Experience (700 hours)
School Adjustment Counseling Program continued Eligible for endorsement following completion of PSY5345 (formerly PSY 515), PSY6515 (formerly PSY 532), PSY6850 (formerly PSY 409), & Advanced Practicum Initial License is obtained through the endorsement (following Advanced Practicum) & applying to DESE School Adjustment Counseling (All Levels) Professional Licensure 60 credit program (30-credit MAEP & 30-credit CAGS) Following 3 years of employment Awarded by DESE
Resources Extended Campus Programs Admissions (Box: 2B) fax: Azra Rahman Student Advisor A----F Kaitlin Karetka Student Advisor G----M Rochelle Ryan Student Advisor N---Z Nila Lenna Assistant Director of XCP Financial Aid fax: