Heat wave By Kayla, Anais and Kerryn. What is a heat wave? A heat wave is a very long period of really hot weather. which may be accompanied by high humidity.


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Presentation transcript:

Heat wave By Kayla, Anais and Kerryn

What is a heat wave? A heat wave is a very long period of really hot weather. which may be accompanied by high humidity. During a heat wave you would feel very hot during the day. Because of this you would feel very dizzy, short tempered and ill.

Problems heat waves cause Heat exhaustion is a relatively common reaction to severe heat and can include symptoms such as dizziness, headache and fainting. It can cause fires in the inviroment. Heat-stroke - normally we sweat, and this keeps us cool on hot days. On very hot days our bodies may not be able to keep cool enough by sweating alone, and our core body temperature may rise. This can lead to headaches, dizziness and even death. Dehydration - this is the loss of water from our bodies. It can cause tiredness and problems with breathing and heart rates. Sunburn - damage to the skin which can be painful and may increase the risks of getting skin cancer. Air pollution - it is thought that one third of the deaths caused by the heatwave in the UK were caused by poor air quality.

What do heatwaves involve Heat waves involve very warm weathers and humidity. It also makes the human body go very hot and burns the skin ending up with sun burn.

what causes heatwaves Heatwaves are most common in summer when high pressure develops across an area.

What happens during a heatwave Some heat waves cause the tarmac on the roads melt. During a heat wave you can see a shimmer on a flat surface. They can also cause fires leading to a wildfire. People can die or get severe burns in extreme heat waves.

Effects heat waves have in biodiversity Climate change poses a significant challenge to all natural systems on Earth. Especially increases in extreme weather events such as heat waves have the potential to strongly affect biodiversity, though their effects are poorly understood due to a lack of data.

Chicago heat wave The Chicago heat wave in the summer of 1995 killed an estimated 692 people and sent at least 3,300 people to the emergency room. An observational study of some of those patients revealed that 28 percent who were diagnosed at the time with severe heat stroke had died within a year of being admitted to the hospital, and most who initially survived the high temperatures had "permanent loss of independent function," according to a 1998 study of the heat wave

Europe heat wave 2003 The 2003 European heat wave led to the hottest summer on record in Europe since at least More than 20,000 people died after a record-breaking heatwave left Europe sweltering in August The period of extreme heat is thought to be the warmest for up to 500 years, and many European countries experienced their highest temperatures on record.

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