Master Programme for Subject Teachers in Serbia (“M.A.S.T.S.”) The Overview of the Activities at the UNIVERSITY OF NIŠ
The Faculty of Philosophy - Established in ~ 3000 students full-time employees - 9 departments Department of Philosophy Department of Psychology Department of Sociology Department of Education Department of History Department of Journalism Humanities Department of Serbian Language and Literature Department of English Language and Literature Department of Russian Language and Literature
FIRST SEMESTER Compulsory Courses LecturePracticeECTS General Pedagogy 226 Didactics 226 Basics of Psychology 226 Educational Psychology 226 Elective Course Total ECTS 30 First Block of Elective Courses Didactics of Social Sciences and Humanities Didactics of Technical and Technological Sciences Didactics of Phylology Master program for Subject Teachers/Professors The procedure for accreditation started on December 26th, The Commission for Accreditation and Quality Asurance approved master program on February 14th First generation of students (30 of them) will be enroll in October 2014.
SECOND SEMESTERLecturePracticeECTS Elective course Elective course Elective course School practice 26 Master thesis 12 Total ECTS 30 Second Block of Elective Courses Mental Health in School Psychology of Teachers Personality, Abilities and Learning styles Education of Children from Vulnerable Groups Psychology of Adolescence Socio-emotional-moral Development and Moral Education Media Culture of Children and Young People Evaluation in Education Family Pedagogy School and Family Partnership Educational Technology Prevention of Violence in School Cognitive and Emotional Development Research Methodology in Education Management in Education
WP Type Activity Ref. N° Activities Extension period (project months) DEVAct.2.2 Elaboration of procedures for issuing teacher certificates and approval of TE programs xx DEVAct. 2.4 Elaboration of procedures for ensuring that programme courses can be recognized x DEVAct. 2.5 Elaboration of procedures on cooperation of universities, school and authorities regarding school practice xxxxx DEVAct. 3.4 Selection of teachers to be involved in the Master and retraining mission to EU xo DEVAct. 3.8 Web publishing of updated teaching materials xxxxxxxxx DEVAct. 4.3 Establishment of criteria for school selection and estimation of school capacities xxxx DEVAct. 4.4 Selection and formal engagement of schools performed xxxxxxxxx DEVAct. 4.5 Re-education teachers in primary and secondary schools for mentorship role xx QPLNAct 6.2 Elaboration of evaluation methodology xx QPLNact 6.4 Program self-evaluation xxxxxxxxx QPLNAct 6.5 Distribution of evaluation questionnaire to students and elaboration or results xxxxxxxxxx QPLNAct 6.6 Analysis of collected data and elaboration of results xxxx
WP Type Activity Ref. N° Activities Extension period (project months) DEVAct. 7.2Implementation of the coursesxxxxxxxxxxxx DEVAct. 7.3Seminars of EU academic staff xxxxxx DEVAct. 7.4 Internships of MA students to partners' institutions oo DISSAct. 8.1 Planning of the dissemination activities xxxxxxxxxxxx DISSAct. 8.2 Setting up and maintenance of the project web site xxxxxxxxxxxx DISSAct. 8.4Issuing of press releasesxxxxxxxxxxxx DISSAct. 8.5Production of Students' guidesxxxxxxxxxxxx DISSAct. 8.6 Organisation of mid-term international dissemination conferences x DISSAct. 8.8Final project conference xx MNGTAct. 9.3Project monitoringxxxxxxxxxxxx MNGTAct. 9.4Project reportingxxxxxxxxxxxx EXPAct Implementation of modernized curricula also after the end of the project EXPAct Ensuring students enrolments also after the end of the project xxxxxxxxxxxx EXPAct Appropriate feed-back mechanism to measure students' satisfaction maintained xxxxxxxxx EXPAct Arrangements to keep operational the on-line platform for on-line publishing of teaching materials EXPAct Mantaining links between Serbian universities, school and relevant authorities