Student Achievement and District Goals Looking back and moving forward
What do we know about good instruction? 7 Guiding Principles
People learn what is personally meaningful to them. People learn when they accept goals that are challenging but achievable. Learning is developmental. Individuals learn differently. People construct new knowledge by building on their current knowledge. Much learning occurs through social interaction. People need feedback to learn.
District Goals Goal: To promote active and relevant student learning. Goal: To promote the improvement of instruction through relevant assessment Goal: Differentiate instruction to address the needs of all students
How do we address the goals???? Through: -Quality instruction -Curriculum Development - Differentiation
Quality Instruction District-wide coordinated staff development program Professional Development Committee New hire training Elementary staff training In-district staff development Staff College courses
Quality Instruction Identify and implement superior teaching strategies Set goals Challenge objectives Administrative training
Quality Instruction Research professional resources Board Policy defines this process and the Office of Curriculum and Instruction implements Implementation of NJDOE standards Continued professional education
Quality Instruction 5-year Revision cycle Office of Curriculum and Instruction functions as a research and development team and disseminates information Staff members contribute to this process through their work on committees
Curriculum Benchmarking!!!! Performance based Report card data District wide by semester Analysis
Curriculum Technology is used effectively and efficiently Supporting Technology plan: Effective Smartboard integration Using Tablet PC to enhance instruction Oncourse Relevant software
What DI is… - proactive - qualitative rather than quantitative (different approaches rather than more or less) - multiple approaches - student centered - blend/flow of whole-class, group, and individual instruction
What DI is not… - individualized instruction - chaotic - homogeneous grouping (bluebirds and buzzards) - just tailoring of the same suit of clothes - hard questions for gifted and easy questions for struggling learners
Look at each student’s… Language Proficiency Motivation Interests Background ( culture) Learning styles
Quadrants of Educational Placement Does Not Need SDI Needs SDI I General Ed II 504 Substantial Limitation III LEP Slow Learners WBFWR IV IDEA Educational Need DOES NOT HAVE A DISABILITY HAS A DISABILITY
Maximizing potential