CASE SPECIFICS Subject property is located at 725 N. Santa Fe Street –Property is currently vacant –Property is owned by Mesilla Valley Habitat for Humanity Subject property comprises 0.18 ± acres and is zoned R-2 (Multi-Dwelling Low Density) Infill Development Proposal: –Use a seasonal, temporary, non-commercial six-space RV park for purpose of traveling volunteers to the Habitat organization Six (6) RV spaces; Small laundry facility Property will be used from October to April each calendar year
CASE SPECIFICS (CONT’D.) IDP deviates from mobile home park/RV park development standards as identified in 2001 Zoning Code –Setbacks, minimum density, minimum lot size/space size, road designation, etc. Applicant is proposing to construct a six-foot tall wooden fence along the north, south, and west property line Applicant will also plant seven (7) shade trees along western property line to serve as landscape buffer
CASE HISTORY Staff reviewed the IDP and recommended CONDITIONAL APPROVAL to the Planning & Zoning Commission: – No structures exceeding 13-feet in height shall be allowed on the property; – A landscape buffer shall be required along the western property line; – The IDP shall be approved for a period of 5 years. After such time, the applicant shall resubmit the RV Park for administrative re-evaluation and approval. P&Z reviewed the IDP request on June 22, 2010 and voted NO by a vote of 1-3 (2 Commissioners absent, one Commissioner vacancy) – Public opposition was received at the meeting
CITY COUNCIL OPTIONS 1.Vote YES to approve the Resolution. Reverses P&Z decision and permits the applicant to develop the six-space RV Park. 2.Vote NO to deny the Resolution. Upholds the P&Z decision. Applicant cannot develop the six- space RV park. 3.Modify the Resolution and vote YES. 4.Table/Postpone and direct staff accordingly.