Predator Management Policy Defining the Process
From Goals to Regulations Goals Policy Regulations What are We Trying to Achieve ? Conform to Legislation Consider Public Input Science-Based Wildlife Management What is the Intent of the F&GC? What are the Guiding Principles ? What are the Issues ? What are Parameters / Constraints ? State the Rules Does it Implement the Policy ? Is it Clearly Stated ? Is it Enforceable ?
How is it Organized ? Dept. of Fish & Wildlife Fish & Game Commission Wildlife Resources Committee Predator Management Group Writing Group Review Group The Department: Provides the Science Performs Assessment of Issues Reports on Findings Drafts Regulations Supports all Levels of Process
Coordinating the Process Fish & Game Commission Wildlife Resources Committee Predator Management Group Review Group Writing Group Goals Policy Regulations Establish Goals Approve Policy Approve Regulations Draft Regulations Draft Policy Coordinate P.O.A. Execute P.O.A.