Android App. Ideas Purdue Bowling App. Purdue Workout Calorie Counter App. Purdue GPS Buddy Finder
Purdue Bowling App. By using the accelerator and positioning sensing of the Android, we can create a virtual bowling game Upon ”bowling” with the Android, a real time live screen will show the path of a bowling ball towards the pins. Things to consider: downward swing on the phone and elevation, positioning feed back during duration of the swing, and spin enacted on the ball as it is thrown
Purdue Workout Calorie Counter App. This application will measure the g forces of enacted on the phone during a workout. Whether the person is walking, running or jumping the program will keep record of the forces enacted on it and produce a calorie counter. Things to Consider: Measuring differences in forces enacting on a phone to measure walk or run, calculating approx. distance during run or height during jump. Possible external attachment on phone for heart rate monitor for improved calorie counting?
Purdue GPS Buddy Finder Often times it is difficult to find a friend especially during the night (bar scene) or during class. This application should send a text message to a friend asking that person where they are. Upon accepting the request, a gps finder pin points where the subject is and shows on a map of purdue where inside a particular venue to person is. Things to Consider: Elevation of the person (first story, second story,ect.) and a real time indicator of roughly how close the friend is to the searching party.