Ryan Harper Ethan Knoefel Haley Moncsko
Fundraiser for heart disease research foundations Advertise date using social media technologies such as Facebook, twitter, etc. Advertise using other media technologies such as television, radio, and flyers
The Ride-A-Thon will take place on Saturday, June 1 st and run all day Every participant will get a free water bottle to use for the day Riders who bike more than 20 miles will receive a free t-shirt Snack and water stands will be spread along the bike path for riders to take short breaks Riders will get sponsors who will donate based on how many miles they bike
Greater public awareness Increased overall health Increased public participation and volunteering Donations for heart disease foundations Encourage more ride-a-thons
Facebook Banners YouTube Linked In
We will educate the audience on how heart disease develops and how it can be prevented by exercising and healthy choices. We will use statistics like, more than 600,000 people die annually of heart disease, and another 135,000 from stroke.
We will advertise the Ride-A-Thon with Heart Healthy Behaviors: Nonsmoking, BMI lower than 25, Adequate physical activity as recommended by leading organizations, Healthy, balanced diet. All of which will be included in the Ride-A-Thon
Placed on WebPages within local searches. The banner will simply promote the cause, date, and time of the ride-a-thon using vivid eye catching lettering with a slogan that reads “Promote Heart Health”
YouTube can be used to promote the event and educate people at the same time. YouTube videos can be placed on other social media sites and shared with users of those media sites. Videos can make the ride-a-thon look family friendly and enjoyable, showing smiling happy healthy faces
Can be used to network with people in related fields to help promote the ride-a-thon We will collect donations for this cause will be a major part of this social media platform. People of interest would be gym owners, bike shops, nutritionists, health conscientious people, sports players, etc...
-Radio- -Television- *Ran on local radio stations *Commercial on local stations *Stating place and time *Stating Informational facts *Giving nutritional information *Saying 100% proceeds go to support heart disease
-Newspaper- Article Will highlight importance of exercise Inform people about exercising Will inform readers about the ride-a-thon -Flyers- Will have red ribbons Will include a list of common heart diseases Will be posted at libraries, schools, and local businesses Will be distributed among the general public