Job Preparedness 2: Cover Letter and Interviewing
Cover Letter- What is it? Your “pitch” Let’s the agency understand the informal side of you Highlights a few of your experiences or skills, not stated on your resume Requests an opportunity to meet personally with the potential employer
Cover Letter: Formatting Heading: ▫Your contact information ▫Date ▫Employer contact information ▫Salutation First Paragraph - Why you are writing Middle Paragraphs - What you have to offer Concluding Paragraph - How you will follow-up Closing ▫Complimentary Close ▫Signature
Cover Letter: Tips 1. Understand your purpose ▫It should answer “why should this company hire you?” 2. Be specific and show initiative ▫Be clear and concise when asking for an interview ▫Direct the cover letter to a specific person 3. Avoid overselling yourself ▫Frame your cover letter to address the needs of the company 4. Address the company’s values ▫Convey why and how you would add value 5. If possible, be creative
Cover Letter: Power Words Solved Promoted Oversaw Improved Adapted Positivity Initiated Planned Managed Lead Innovative Trained Built Introduced Strengthened Directed Persuaded Organized Projected Assessed
Interviewing: why is it important? “Selling opportunity” Opportunity to ask questions Opportunity to display your: ▫Personality ▫Capabilities ▫Professionalism
Steps to the interviewing process 1. Notification of interview 2. Prepare for interview 3. Conduct interview 4. Follow up with employer 5. Notification of job placement
How to prepare for an interview? 1. Practice interview questions!! 2. Research the potential employer 3. Have at least 2 questions to ask the employer 4. Attend a “mock interview” 5. DRESS for SUCCESS
Dress for Success
Dress for Success: male - photo
Dress for Success: male Answer each question: (1) No influence, (2) some influence, (3) Strong influence 1. Being well groomed? 2. Having a beard? 3. Nontraditional dress? 4. Body piercing? 5. Earring? 6. Colon or perfume? 7. Hair style? 8. Nontraditional Hair Color? 9. Tattoos?
Dress for Success: female
What should I expect? There may be more than one person interviewing you Bring at least 5 copies of resume and cover letter There may be several rounds of interviews Interview styles may vary, but most are a “canned” set of questions
How to act at the interview First contact: ▫Handshake ▫Eye contact ▫Smile During the interview: ▫Be polite, courteous ▫Good posture ▫Eye contact ▫SMILE ▫Relax, stay calm
How to act at the interview – ok or not ok Is it ok or not ok? 1. Go to the bathroom? 2. Salary and/or benefit information? 3. Do I have to do a Drug test? 4. How long until I get promoted? 5. When can I start vacation time? 6. How much sick time do I get? 7. How long is lunch? 8. What is your astrological sign?
Interviewing: follow up Thank you letter ▫When? ▫How? Typed Handwritten!!
Additional Information