Sumer was an ancient civilization and historical region in southern Mesopotamia, modern Iraq. The civilization existed in the south-east of rivers Tigris and Euphrates in IV-III millennium BC. e.
The Beginning of Sumerian history contains many secrets. Historians and archaeologists have made great efforts to solve them. The main question is where they came from and where is their homeland.
Sumer country got its name from the people who settled in the lower of the Euphrates River.
Nobody knows how they appeared on this territory. In their legends are mentioned only the high mountains of their native country, road across the sea, which led them to the river, and the island.
The Sumerians were very different from the over nations. Especially with their language. Nowadays, historians can read the Sumerian texts. Then, scientist understood that the Sumerian language is not similar to any known language. That’s why it's hard to say with whom they were in relationship.
Sumerians invented writing on clay tablets. This is called cuneiform. Sumerian writing is the oldest example of writing on the earth.
Temples were the centers of management of people life. People were pagans and believed in many gods. Assembly of the gods was divided into groups, the main of them is known as the "Great Gods".
In Sumer tunic were basic clothes for men. It was a shirt without sleeves or with very short sleeves. Women's clothing was similar. Along the length of women's tunic was to the knees and lower. A skirt was known to.
Agriculture and hunting were quite developed in Sumer too. They grew barley, lentils, wheat, onions and other. The region demonstrated a row of basic agricultural techniques.
As for architecture, the main building was a pyramid. These were powerful towers, called ziggurats. It was square and looked like a stepped pyramid.
Sumerians created a great and rich culture. Sumer - one of the earliest known civilizations. Sumerians attributed many inventions such as the wheel, writing, irrigation system, agricultural tools, potter's wheel. Later, loads of people used their inventions.