My Name is Latonya Johnson, I live in Wood Dale, IL and I tutor ESL in the classroom, ESL one-to-one and Adult Basic Education one-to-one, I volunteer at all three sites. Teaching literacy to adults is my passion. I worked for Veterans Affairs for eight years as an Administrative Assistant, I did not like it, I have always wanted to teach. I love tutoring and teaching. Me and my family, my husband, daughter and two sons last year at Ashford, I graduated with a BA in Social Science.
I attended public school, unfortunately I did not have a key experience during my time in school (K-12) that had a lasting impact on my life. A key experience that had a lasting impact on my life occurred during college. I took a statistics class, the class was very difficult. The teacher assured all of the students that if we worked hard and did what she said, we would pass. She helped to increase my self-efficacy.
As stated earlier, I love teaching literacy, I volunteer as a teacher and tutor at three places, it is my desire to do what I love and get paid for it. English as Second Language and Adult Basic Education Teacher
To teach Adult Basic Education, most colleges hire certified teachers or those who have a master’s degree. Also, I am interested in understanding the process of the educational system. Obtaining my master’s will not only help with my professional goal, but it will help with my personal goal. Master‘s Degree
I believe that “students must learn how to learn”. The most important method of education… always has consisted of that in which the pupil was urged to actual performance. Albert Einstein, Ideas and Opinions, 1954/1982, p. 60 A quote that symbolizes my belief about education.