AGC: Information for Quality update Nick Jones Director of Compliance & Information 16 March 2016
Information for Quality The redesign of our website and Choose a Fertility Clinic (CaFC) The redesign of the ‘Clinic Portal’ used for interacting with clinics Combining data submission functionality A revised dataset and data dictionary which will be accredited A revised Register of treatments, which will include the migration of historical data contained within the existing Register The redesign of our main internal systems that comprise the Authority’s Register and supporting IT processes.
Overview Update on projects and approvals process to proceed to ‘beta’ phase Data migration IfQ risks and issues Earned value Programme timelines and budget implications [The data dictionary] This presentation updates members on:
Approvals and Beta progress The first, Alpha, stage assessment passed, well Progression to public beta also subject to approvals from DH and GDS Halfway stage of Beta – good progress on the whole ‘Shippable’ product indicates progression ‘User testing’ underway
Data migration Settled the Register data cleansing task But limited progress since last meeting Piloting with eight clinics this month to evaluate difficulty of task from clinics’ perspective A risk – we will need to progress swiftly after the conference.
Risks and issues
Earned Value
Timelines and budget Revised IfQ programme plan was agreed in January 2016, in line with the overall £1.134m agreed by Authority Public beta for the website and Clinic portal pushed back by three months Overall budget remains unchanged at £1.134m but carry over in to the next financial year approx £450,000. Not expected to be problematic In some teams business-as-usual work has become IfQ related
Data dictionary securely hold information about donors and their donations ensure traceability of gametes and embryos provide patient information on success rates monitor clinic performance, and facilitate research into the safety of treatments. The Register is an asset. We use it to:
Data dictionary it is required by law – such as ‘Opening the Register’ to give patients and donors good information to make informed decisions to enable us to assess compliance of individual clinics against agreed standards so we can alert clinics of performance changes to obtain information about current practice that is useful and beneficial to enable linkage studies to enable ethically and scientifically approved research A ‘new’ Register with data meeting agreed criteria:
Data dictionary Data setData submission Minimum data requiredImprove accuracy of inputting: on screen prompts and access to data descriptions while inputting. Set out in 20 tablesIncentives to improve the quality of information: Real-time error information so that problems fixed on the spot. Data items do not relate to submission questions or fields. Saving time and improving quality: No opportunity for duplicate entries and identifying and deleting previous or copy records. Advisory Group to keep disciplineMinimising the burden: Less periodic verification work; real-time confirmation.
Data dictionary Made a set of operational adjustments – additions, removal, amendments – taking in account various factors Consistent with determination of stakeholder group - now made transparent by publishing within papers Standardisation Committee for Care Information (SCCI) – approval process leading to a ‘national dataset’ (July 2016) Progress
Recommendation –Note progress, risks and the budget position on IfQ. The Audit and Governance Committee is asked to
Nick Jones, Director of Compliance and Information Any questions?