________________________________________________________________________________ Key School’s By: Caileigh Feldman & Jessica Greenwald
The steps we would need to take… 1) Reduce our kilowatt hour (kWh) usage in order to negate the cost of switching to a renewable energy source Average cost (per kWh) of current energy source: Estimated cost (per kWh) of premium GREEN POWER: $0.118 $0.142 % increase: 20% 2) Purchase GREEN POWER!
By isolating the month of April as a test trial, determine whether by simply altering behavior, the Key School community is able to reduce its kWh consumption by the 20% needed to balance the cost of purchasing GREEN POWER The Experiment… April 2007 total energy consumed: 96,741 kWh Goal for April 2008: 77,393 kWh
Totals Total kWh used in April 2007: Total kWh used in April 2008: 96,741 76,905 Total % decreased 20.50%