Monitoring the Progress and Management Plans of Cross Cutting Issues International Seminar on Governance and Development Federal Court of Accounts (TCU), Brasilia, Brazil J. Christopher Mihm Managing Director, Strategic Issues United States Government Accountability Office 4 November 2015 Page 1
GAO Efforts In Two Key Areas Fragmentation, Overlap, and Duplication Mandate enacted in 2010 Identify overlap and duplication Identify opportunities for cost savings and revenue enhancement Annual reports issued in 2011 through 2015 Implementation of key provisions of GPRAMA Page 2
Definitions of Fragmentation, Overlap, and Duplication Page 3
Annual Reports In our first four annual reports issued from 2011 through 2014, we presented 188 areas where opportunities existed for executive branch agencies or Congress to reduce, eliminate, or better manage fragmentation, overlap, or duplication; achieve cost savings; or enhance revenue. identified approximately 440 actions to address the opportunities for greater efficiency and effectiveness that we identified. Page 4
Status of Actions in Annual Reports As of March 2015: 169 actions have been addressed (37 percent), 179 actions have been partially addressed (39 percent), and 90 actions have not been addressed (20 percent). 57 percent of the actions addressed to executive branch agencies and 66 percent of the actions addressed to Congress remain partially or not addressed. GAO’s Action Tracker provides the implementation status of all actions identified in the annual reports. Page 5
Development of Evaluation and Management Guide (GAO-15-49SP) Incorporates lessons learned from 5 years of evaluating Fragmentation, Overlap, and Duplication (FOD) in the federal government Content Analysis of GAO Reports Literature Review Expert Interviews Congressional Budget Office and Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Officials Page 6
OMB leads the development of an annual federal government performance plan that includes 4 year priority goals for the federal government that include outcome- oriented goals for a limited number of crosscutting policy areas and goals for management improvements needed across the government. These goals show the level of performance to be achieved during the current and following fiscal years and identify federal agencies, organizations, program activities, regulations, tax expenditures, policies and other activities contributing to the goal and a lead government official responsible for coordinating efforts to achieve the goal; common crosscutting performance measures; quarterly performance targets and milestones; plans to address crosscutting major management challenges, including relevant performance goals, performance measures, and milestones. 7 1) Cross Agency Priority (CAP) Goals
8 The President’s 2015 budget submission included the federal government’s 15 interim crosscutting priority goals. Of these goals, 7 are related to crosscutting mission/policy areas, and 8 are management improvement goals: 1.Cybersecurity 2.Climate change (federal actions) 3.Insider threat and security clearance 4.Job-creating investment 5.Infrastructure permitting and modernization 6.STEM education 7.Service members veterans mental health FY 15 CAP Policy/Mission Goals
9 1.Customer service 2.Smarter IT delivery 3.Strategic sourcing 4.Shared services 5.Benchmark and improve mission-support operations 6.Open data 7.Lab-to-market 8.(Federal) people and culture FY 15 CAP Management Goals
Annual assessments of progress toward outcomes and opportunities to improve. Uses variety of analytic, research, evaluation, and performance data to support the assessments. To involve top leadership and be part of (or integrated into) “normal” agency assessment and review process. Began in ) Strategic Objective Reviews
11 OMB’s Example of Goal Relationships
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