Building long term partnerships and capacities for sustainable crop production: Increasing impacts and tangible benefits - Setting the scene - FAO-EPSO.


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Presentation transcript:

Building long term partnerships and capacities for sustainable crop production: Increasing impacts and tangible benefits - Setting the scene - FAO-EPSO Consultation workshop 25 – 27 June 2012, Rome Karin Metzlaff European Plant Science Organisation Plant Science for Sustainable Crop Production: Strengthening Partnerships between Europe and Developing Countries

+ Shape long term partnerships and linking stakeholders in plant sciences for sustainable intensification of agricultural production Define a set of pilot projects for initial collaboration in Sub-Saharan Africa Develop a white paper on establishing partnerships between Europe and developing countries Objectives of this workshop e.g. Embed in processes such as EIARD, CIGIAR Research Programmes, the Tropical Agricultural Platform Link with activities of the Global Plant Council

+ Start developing three pilot project / focus area proposals By shortly assessing and agree how best map / gap analyse Current status and key constraints of focus subject crops in SSA Current plant science opportunities for improving impact of focus subject crops on poverty and food security in SSA Objectives of the three Working Group Sessions 1/3 e.g.Research and participatory technol. development; Security, productivity; cropping/farming and extension systems; access to germplasm / varieties, breeding programmes Map existing initiatives, gaps regarding plant science in / beyond existing initiatives

+ Start developing three pilot project / focus area proposals By discussing in detail how best to Increase scientific research, collaboration & partnerships Improve education, based on needs-driven research from farmers’ point of view Improve participatory technology development and increase access to technologies / facilities Objectives of the three Working Group Sessions 2/3 e.g. on science: Between universities & research institutes; Farmers and universities Ensure greater research impact and synergies Better use & improve research funding mechanisms; from res. outputs to outcomes (end user)

+ Start developing three pilot project / focus area proposals By providing recommendations incl. next actions and dissemination strategy Specific Rs for stakeholders such as the scientific community, donor/funding agencies and policymakers on detailed questions before. General Rs and content suggestions for the white paper Summarized for plenary presentation (15’) and discussion (45’) on Day 3 Objectives of the three Working Group Sessions 3/3 3 Pilot projects: -Focused on Eur. & SSA, one /group of crop/s each -Show impact can be increase by long-term partnerships -Joint res. roadmaps 1 White paper: Broad on Europe and developing countries, all plant science; incl. mechanisms long term partnerships

+ Key questions to kick-off discussion: C as global food, feed and industrial crop What stops C from becoming the corn of the tropics? Major constraints in C production and marketing Adding value for C for human health and commercial production in Africa Small Committee start: Wilhelm Gruissem, Christian Nolte, Alfred Dixon and Valerie Verdier; Rapporteur Chike Miba WoGr 1: The cassava value chain And For next steps after the workshop: Additional members to -The Small Committee -The Working Group

+ Key questions to kick-off discussion: Farming system analysis and the N2Africa project SIMLESA: Approaches and achievements; Farmer participatory plant breeding; M physiology and agronomy; M – cereals; Genomics of crops species; L and SSA – what Europe can contribute M & L – FAO perspective Small Committee start: Noel Ellis, Mulugetta Mekuria, Joyce MulilaMitti and Peter Stamp; Rapporteur Bruce Osborne And For next steps after the workshop: Additional members to -The Small Committee -The Working Group WoGr 2: Maize and associated legume crops

+ Key questions to kick-off discussion: Non-GM genetic improvement of UFV Fast track molecular breeding of orphan crops Genomcis of horticultural species Genetics of farming in Africa – G4FA Pathogen genetics; Integrated pest management Floral transition and fruit development Small Committee start: Enoch Achigan-Dako, Eckhard George, Ian Graham, Remi Nono Womdim; Rapporteur Uli Schurr And For next steps after the workshop: Additional members to -The Small Committee -The Working Group WoGr 3: Underutilized fruits and vegetable crops

+ Pilot projects  Focus areas Which mechanisms for long term partnerships Need for mapping / gap analysis to identify research needs within / beyond existing initiatives - could be starting step of the 3 pilots From research outputs to outcomes (impact on end user) Towards joint research roadmaps EPSO article on international cooperation (USB) Mapping / gaps: Many existing initiatives represented here You can start this: -African Union, ASARECA, CARDESA …; CGIAR Res Progs … -Member States -FP7 done Additions from discussion yesterday

Thank you for your discussion already and attention now Thanks to SCs for preparation Have a fruitful discussion FAO-EPSO Consultation workshop 25 – 27 June 2012, Rome Karin Metzlaff European Plant Science Organisation Building long term partnerships and capacities for sustainable crops production