OUR SOLAR SYSTEM The solar system has eight planets and one well known The solar system has eight planets and one well known dwarf planet. Our solar system is in the galaxy of the Milky Way.
THE SUN The sun is made of fire and many gases. Our sun is one of our main source of light. The sun makes up 99.86% of the Solar System mass.
MERCURY Mercury has no moons. Mercury is the smallest planet. One year on Mercury is 88 days.
VENUS Venus have no moons either. One day on Venus is longer than one year one earth. Venus is named after the Roman gods of love and beauty.
EARTH Earth is the only planet with living life on it. Earth is the third planet from the sun. About 71 percent of earth’s surface is taken up by water.
MARS Mars is named after the Roman gods of war. The reddish appearance of Mar’s surface causes people to call it ‘’the red planet’’. Mars is the third planet from the sun.
ASTEROID BELT The Asteroid belt is made of many rocks. The Asteroid belt separates the inner planets from the outer planets
JUPITER Jupiter is made of “the giant gas’’. Jupiter is the fifth planet from the sun. Jupiter has a continuous storm on it’s surface.
URANUS Uranus has their rings vertical. Uranus is a gas giant. Uranus is named after the Greek god of sky.
SATURN Saturn has rings. Saturn’s rings are made of rocks and gases Saturn is the sixth planet from the sun.
NEPTUNE Due to the blueness of Neptune, it is named after the Roman god of sea. Neptune is the coldest planet there is. Neptune is the most dense planet in the solar system.
DWARF PLANET The dwarf planet,also known as pluto,is no longer a planet. When Pluto was a planet,it was the smallest of them all. Pluto is the second closest dwarf planet to the sun.
STARS Stars are based on their color for how hot they are. Stars are basically tiny suns. Stars only come out at night.
CONSTELLATION These constellations are made of stars. The constellations uses to help sailors to find which direction to go in. There are many constellations in the sky.
GAS GIANTS Gas Giants are planets made of gases. Some of the gas giants are Jupiter,Saturn,Uranus,and Neptune. Gas giants are just like normal planets,but they are made of gas,and you cant walk on them.
MILKY WAY The Milky Way is made of many stars,rocks,and gases. The Milky way is a galaxy. We live in the galaxy of the Milky Way.