IT-301 Project Management I: Unit 6: Human Resource Management February 10, 2011
Agenda Unit 6 Discussion Unit 5 Recap Quality Management General Q&A Unit 10 Discussion Example of Estimate
Unit 6: Human Resource Management Human Resource Planning –Organizational structure, Responsibilities, –Understanding/applying motivational theories Acquiring the Project team (ASL) –Assign Resources, –Resource loading –Resource leveling Developing the Project Team –Understanding the “personalities” within the team –Tuckman Model, (FSNPA); –Social Styles Profiling: Drivers, Expressives, Analyticals, Amiables –Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (E/I, S/N, T/F, J/P) –DISC Profile (Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, Compliance)
Unit 6: Human Resource Management Managing the Project Team –Observing and Conversing –Performance Appraisals –Conflict Management –Understanding Psychosocial issues (Maslow, Herzberg, McClelland, )
Unit 5: Quality Management The Fourth Constraint (Scope, Time, Cost) Quality Management Involves: –Quality Planning Identify the standards and determine how to satisfy them –Quality Assurance Periodically evaluating overall project performance to ensure project will satisfy the relevant standard (benchmarking, audits) –Quality Control Monitoring project results to ensure that they comply with the relevant quality standards while identifying ways to improve overall quality.
Estimates Example Estimates to Build a Garage : ROM: 2 Weeks; –Budgetary: –Material –Labor: Free –Permits: –Contingency fund: –Total Estimate 2 weeks (effort) –Definitive –Material: –Labor: (Electrician, Bricklayer, Concrete specialist): (2 weeks) –Permits: –Contingency: –Total: Effort (3weeks)
Guest Speaker: Diane Gomez The Benefits of Auditing February 3, 2011
Unit 5: Quality Management Benefits of Auditing: Ensures quality, consistency, efficiency and reliable products and services for both businesses and customers Ensures the Quality Management System for the business is well- defined, integrated, functional and continually improved upon Provides business with competitive edge through certification to standards (which is required by majority of customers) Fosters effective business processes Contributes to overall continuous improvement
Unit 5: Quality Management Benefits of Auditing: Contributes to overall continuous improvement by: Identifying weak areas of the business for pro-active improvement Are processes feasible, effective, useable, current? Are process users trained, skilled, knowledgeable? Is enough resources/time given to manage and execute the process? Identifying strong areas of the business for replication Is there a best practice that can be shared across organizations? Is cost/time/quality better from one part of the business to another? Can expertise/knowledge/tools be shared across organizations