Program: Erasmus+Capacity Building in Higher Education Project Title: Enhancement of HE research potential contributing to further growth of the WB region.


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Presentation transcript:

Program: Erasmus+Capacity Building in Higher Education Project Title: Enhancement of HE research potential contributing to further growth of the WB region Project acronym: Report Prof. Dr Dragana Cvetković-Ilić University of Nis 07 July 2016, Niš

WP1 Preparation for the HR research management reform Leader: University of Nis 1.1Research potential at WBC universities mapped: Questionnaire is designed and distributed to all partners. Finished by all the partners except University of Montenegro 1.2Review of HR strategies at EU partners: We organized 3 meetings at our EU partner Universities with the goal to gain insight into the current HR management strategies at EU universities. EU experts presented their experiences with the process of enhancement of the HE research potential and gave useful advice. Finished 1.3Comparative analysis In progress deadline Action plans for HE management reform In progress deadline HR offices and centres equipped In progress deadline

WP1 Preparation for the HR research management reform WP2 Excellent university for the researchers Leader: University of Novi Sad Act.2.1. Reinforcing of university centres and offices by creating and adopting relevant bylaws Concrete bylaws at WBC universities will be adopted with the purpose of improving the status of researchers and bringing the university closer to the more developed EU HE institutions, by implementing the principles of the human research strategy Task leader: University of East Sarajevo 2.1.1Nomination of the responsible person from each universities (All) Report which will describe the present situation concerning University centres and HR offices with the idea how to improve it (All) Report with the analysis of the situation and with suggestions of concrete actions (UES) Task leader will collect all reports into one internal Report

WP2 Excellent university for the researchers Leader: University of Novi Sad Act.2.2. Training of WBC administrative staff related to research services Training for the representatives of administrative staff in Novi Sad in September or October, From each partner university at least 2 representatives of administrative staff are to participate. The seminar will be organized in Novi Sad. Task leader: University of Novi Sad 2.2.1Defining the dates of meeting (UNS) Final agenda of the meeting (UNS) List of participants (UNS in consultation with other partner) Organization of meeting (UNS) September, Report from the meeting (UNS)

WP2 Excellent university for the researchers Leader: University of Novi Sad Act.2.3. Seminar on HRS4R strategy for universities management One day meeting for the representatives of University management in Belgrade, Representatives of the management boards were educated by EU experts on the implementation of the Charter and Code through the “HR Excellence in Research” Task leader: University of Novi Sad 2.3.1Defining the dates of meeting (UNS) Final agenda of the meeting (UNS) List of participants (UNS in consultation with other partner) Organization of meeting (UNS) Report from the meeting (UNS)

WP2 Excellent university for the researchers Leader: University of Novi Sad Act2.5 Training trainers by EU partners A total of 4 trainings will be organized: those on inter-cultural communications, researcher ethics, writing research proposals, will be held in Belgrade; those on research methodology will be held in Liege; those on soft skills and enterpreneurship will be held in Torino; those on teaching methodology and multidisciplinarity will be held in Coventry. At these trainings 81 researchers are to be trained in total. Task leader: University of Belgrade 2.5.1Defining the dates of trainings (UNS, UBG, ULG, PT, UC) Final agendas of the trainings (UNS, UBG, ULG, PT, UC) List of participants (UBG in consultation with other partner) Organization of trainings (UNS, UBG, ULG, PT, UC) Training in Coventry December, Report from the trainings (UBG)

WP2 Excellent university for the researchers Leader: University of Novi Sad Act.2.6. Revising and improving university bylaws regulating academic promotion procedures Bylaws regulating promotion procedures at WBP universities Task leader: University of Sarajevo 2.6.1Nomination of the responsible person from each university (All) Report which will describe the present situation concerning promotion procedures with the idea how to improve it (All) Report with an analysis of the situation and with suggestions of concrete actions (US) Task leader will collect all reports into one internal Report Designing a common template for evaluation reports (US) ?

WP2 Excellent university for the researchers Leader: University of Novi Sad Act.2.8. Enhancing of ethical committees through legislative improvements and trainings Relevant bylaws with the purpose of rendering more efficient work of EC Training for a total of 36 members of EC (4 members per each WBP university) in Kragujevac by EU partners whose rich experience will vouch for its successful completion, so as to improve the quality of the work of EC Task leader: University of Vlora and University of Kragujevac 2.8.1Nomination of the responsible person from each university (All) Report which will describe the present situation concerning EC with the idea how to improve it (All) Report with an analysis of the situation and with suggestions of concrete actions (UV) Task leader will collect all reports into one internal Report Defining the dates of training (UV, UKG) Final agenda of the meeting (UV, UKG) List of participants (UV in consultation with other partner) Organization of the meeting (UV, UKG)End of October 2.8.8Report from the trainings (UV)

WP2 Excellent university for the researchers Leader: University of Novi Sad Act.2.9. Establishing links with scientific diaspora by creating and updating databases Alumni networks will be created and expanded and links to them will be added on websites at all WBC partner universities, with the goal of increasing career opportunities and improving research quality, and reinforcing cooperation with scientific diaspora, which is undoubtedly of enormous importance in both of the mentioned respects. Task leader: University of Tirana 2.9.1Nomination of the responsible person from each university (All) Report which will describe the present situation concerning cooperation with scientific diaspora and Alumni with the idea how to improve it (All) Report with an analysis of the situation and with suggestions of concrete actions (US) Task leader will collect all reports into one internal Report Creating Alumni networks and links to them on the websites at all WBC partner universities ?

WP3 Excellent researchers for the community Leader: University of Kragujevac 3.1 Training of WBC researchers concerning the role and significance of C&C and HRS4R 900 researchers (100 per WBP university) will be trained on the role and significance of C&C and HRS4R through a one-day seminar, which will be organized at each of the WBP universities, with the intention of raising awareness about the benefits of applying the principles implemented in the strategy. Task leader: University of Nis 3.1.1Defining the dates of trainings (UNI in consultation with other partners) Prepare program, content and initial training material (UNI) Organization of trainings (All WB partners)November, Report from the trainings (All WB partners) One internal Report (UNI)

WP3 Excellent researchers for the community Leader: University of Kragujevac 3.2 Creating and updating of databases and web sites for better transparency and information flow databases of all researchers will be created at all WBP universities and the webpages on the universities' websites will offer opportunity links (job vacancies, mobility programmes, project calls etc.). This will contribute to having a more open and easier access of researchers to all the relevant information, and to regularly keeping them posted and on time Task leader: University of Belgrade 3.2.1Nomination of the responsible person at each university (All) Report with an analysis of the situation (All) Define researchers database format (basic personal and contact info in an easy to share and search format) (UBG, UKG) Report on the progress

WP3 Excellent researchers for the community Leader: University of Kragujevac 3.3 Research methodology training of WBC young researchers 1800 young researchers (100 per seminar at each WBP university) will be trained by WBC lectures during two two-day seminars on research methodology. Task leader: University of Kragujevac 3.3.1Nomination of the responsible person from each university (All) Initial program and content of seminars

WP3 Excellent researchers for the community Leader: University of Kragujevac 3.6 Developing Pilot Mentoring system for newly promoted assistant professors Pilot mentoring system will be created, and tested at least at one faculty (department) of each WBP university, with the purpose of aiding the newly promoted assistant professors to better respond to new responsibilities. This is intended as a possible response to the need of the junior teaching staff to continue receiving help and guidance from their supervisors after the completion of their PhD studies, given that this is precisely the moment that is crucial to a successful continuation of their careers. Task leader: University of Novi Sad, University of Belgrade 3.3.1Nomination of the responsible person from each university (All) Initial program of Pilot Mentoring system (UNS,UBG)

WP4 Project quality management at Leader: University of Montenegro 4.1 Establishing Quality Assurance Committee (QAC) 4.1Establishing Quality Assurance Committee (QAC)Done 4.2Developing relevant documents and templates for QADone 4.3Preparing reports on WPs progress (WP leaders) Preparing annual partners’ QA reports Reports analysed and conclusions made at QAC meetingsMarch, Quality control and monitoring manual (UOM)Done

WP5 Dissieminaton and exploitation at Leader: CPN Act 5.1 Creating, maintaining and regularly updating project web-site 5.1.1Preparing the web-site content (UNI, CPN)Done 5.1.2Launching project web site (UNI,CPN)Done 5.1.3Comments from partners (ALL)Done 5.1.4Maintenance and updating of project web-site (UNI,CPN)Continuous 5.1.5Delivery of news and other dissemination materials from partners for posting on web site (ALL) Continuous

WP5 Dissieminaton and exploitation at Leader: CPN Act 5.2 Designing and distributing of project promotional material 5.2.2Design of logo (UNI) Design of promo materials (UNI, CPN) Comments from partners (ALL) Printing promo materials (UNI) Continuous delivery of project documents and information (ALL)Continuous

WP5 Dissieminaton and exploitation at Leader: CPN Act 5.2 Disseminating of project results through various events and public appearances 5.3.1Elaboration of the Dissemination and exploitation plan (CPN in consultation with UNI and UKG) CPN sends the Plan to partners Comments from partners (ALL) Final version of the Dissemination and exploitation plan (CPN) Update of the Plan (CPN)Continuous

WP6 Management at Leader: University of Nis 6.1Organizing and realizing a Kick-off and coordination meetings 6.2Developing and adopting procedures for project managementDone 6.3Setting-up project management bodies and signing partnership agreementsDone 6.4Establishing a software platform for efficient project managementDone 6.5Coordinating project activities on a daily basisContinuous 6.6Performing financial management and bookkeepingContinuous