10/2/2016HUD-n1-v0.ppt2 Linux the story of a man with a printer problem and Ubuntu, a story of Africa Linux is a story about people contributing to a common good three such stories are:
10/2/2016HUD-n1-v0.ppt3 Linus Torvalds The first developer of Linux. Linus was a poor graduate student with a computer who needed the capabilities of Unix. He could not afford Unix software, so he wrote his own Unix “kernel” and used the GNU tools to populate it. He called it Linux and distributed it worldwide under the General Public License (GPL).
10/2/2016HUD-n1-v0.ppt4 Richard Stallman Richard Stallman was a computer scientist at MIT. He had a printer at his shop, and he needed the codes to make it work with a computer system he had built. The company who made the printer did not want to give him the information to allow him to use this printer that he legitimately owned. Richard was very angry about this so he and his friends at MIT developed the GNU toolkit. This is where all the heavy lifting in Linux actually takes place. Richard Stallman prefers that Linux be referred to as GNU Linux…
10/2/2016HUD-n1-v0.ppt5 Mark Shuttleworth In the end of the last millennium, Mark Shuttleworth was a very smart young man from a good family in Cape town with a predilection for mathematics. He showed enough talent that for college he went to Cambridge in England. While studying he started a company based upon his mathematical observations in cryptography.
10/2/2016HUD-n1-v0.ppt6 When he graduated, he; Sold the company Took a vacation...After a while started Ubuntu
10/2/2016HUD-n1-v0.ppt7 Notes About Mark Shuttleworth He sold the company for several hundred million dollars. He became the first tourist in the International Space Station He created an operating system based upon humanity towards others
10/2/2016HUD-n1-v0.ppt8 What you should take away from this presentation? Open source software development is about people, thousands developing for the sheer pleasure of developing shiny software Each of these persons has a story, and each has a reason. All have inspiration, there is a muse to this, just like music or other arts. Open source is about these people who write this software.