Updating and expanding the scope of Biosystems Engineering study programs – with emphasis in the areas of bio-fuels, bio-materials and quality of products ________________________________ Professor Christer Nilsson Department of Rural Buildings POBox 86, SE Alnarp Tel.: ;
SLU in Sweden Four faculties Faculty of Forest Sciences (S) Faculty of Natural Resources and Agricultural Sciences (NL) Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science (VH) Faculty of Landscape Planning, Horticulture and Agricultural Science (LTJ) Main campuses are Umeå, Uppsala, Skara and Alnarp
Current situation at SLU in Sweden No Agricultural or Biosystems Engineering programme at SLU Biosystems Technology MSc-programme, 2003 and 2004 Related programmes running today : –Energy Systems Engineering –MSc Farm Buildings –Environment and Water Technology
Educational programmes (1) Programme Length Location Energy systems engineering 5 years Uppsala (Civ ing Energisystem) Agriculture – Food Science (Agronom) 4.5 UppsalaAgricultural and rural management (Lantmästare) 2 Alnarp Animal nursing (Djursjukvårdare) 2 Skara Aquatic and environmental Engineering (Civing miljö och vatten) 4.5 Uppsala Biotechnology (Bioteknologi) 4 Uppsala Equine studies (Hippolog) 2 Flyinge, Wången, Strömsholm
Educational programmes (2) ProgrammeLength/Location Forestry (Jägmästare) yrs 4Umeå Forest engineering (Skogsmästare)3 Skinnskatteberg Horticultural management (TRING)3Alnarp Horticulture (Hortonom)5Alnarp Landscape architecture (LARK)5Alnarp/Uppsala Landscape construction and management (LING)3Alnarp Veterinary medicine (Veterinär)5.5Uppsala
Educational programmes (3) MSc Programmes Length/Location Plant and Forest Biotechnology2 yrs Umeå Farm Buildings 2 Alnarp Urban Landscape Dynamics2 Alnarp Euroforester2 Alnarp Management of Fish and Wildlife2 Umeå Animal Science2 Uppsala Biotechnology2 Uppsala Ecology2 Uppsala Environmental Economics and Management2 Uppsala Forests as a Natural Resource2 Uppsala Integrated Water Resource Management2 Uppsala Landscape Planning2 Uppsala Environmental Pollution and Risk Assessment2 Uppsala Plant Biology2 Uppsala Agricultural Economics and 2 Uppsala Management a s o
Energy systems engineering 5 years, 300 ECTS 60 places Courses: Mathematics Physics Chemistry Biology Bioenergi – Technology and Systems 7.5 ECTS Energy and Life Cycle Analysis 3 ECTS Environmental Impacts of Energy Systems 9 ECTS Basic Mathematical Statistics 4.5 ECTS Logistics 6 ECTS Natural Resource and Environmental Economics, Review Course 5 ECTS Energy Trade 4.5 ECTS Project Work in Energy Systems Engineering 15 ECTS Project Work in Energy Systems Engineering 7.5 ECTS Selection of energy system 7.5 ECTS Degree project 30 ECTS
Agriculture – Food Science 4.5 years, 270 ECTS 30 places Courses: General and Organic Chemistry 10 ECTS Biochemistry 10 ECTS Cell Biology 10 ECTS Animal Physiology 10 ECTS Functional Foods 5 ECTS Genetics 10 ECTS Basic statistics and mathematics 10 ECTS Immunology 5 ECTS Degree project 30 ECTS Applied Practicies for Agronomists 15 ECTS Agricultural Animal Production 5 ECTS Agricultural Economics 5 ECTS Agricultural crop production 5 ECTS Microbiology 10 ECTS Natural Products Chemistry 10 ECTS Plant physiology 5 ECTS
Plant and Forest Biotechnology MSc 2 years, 120 ECTS 30 places Courses: Functional Genomics, Theory 7.5 ECTS Applied Functional Genomics, 7.5 ECTS Biology and Biotechnology in Forest Production Systems, 15 ECTS Plant Biotechnology and Molecular Breeding 15 ECTS Plant Cell and Molecular Biology 15 ECTS Plant Growth and Development 15 ECTS Master thesis 30 ECTS
Bio-energy Related Courses Bioenergy - Technology and Systems 7.5 ECTS Renewable Energy 10 ECTS Energy and Life Cycle Analysis, 3 ECTS Energy and the Environment, 5 ECTS Energy Trade 4.5 ECTS Energy Systems 5 ECTS Energy systems and energy conservation for rural enterprises 10 ECTS Energy systems and rational use of energy 15 ECTS Introduction to energy systems 10 ECTS
Bioenergy - Technology and Systems 7.5 ECTS Knowledge of different assortments pf biofuel Wood fuel from forest, farms and waste The chain from source to end-user including primary production, harvest techniques, logistic systems, characterisation of raw material, upgrading and marketing aspects Knowledge about electricity, heat and transport of biofuel Techniques for characterisation of biofuel Excursions/study visit to plants producing or using biofuels
Renewable Energy, 10 ECTS The course is focused on systems and methods for sustainable utilisation of renewable energy resources such as bio-energy, solar energy, wind power and hydropower. The methods are studied from systems and resource use perspectives. Economical and political issues relevant for the harnessing of renewable energy resources are included. The potential role of the agriculture and forestry as producers of bio-based resources for energy demands, e.g. fuels for heat and power production or as engine fuels.
Quality of Products - Courses Utilization of Wood – from Forest to Final Product, 15 ECTS - Forest management, felling and wood provision - Composition and properties of wood - Handling, measurement and classification of wood - Mechanical wood industry, sawmills and further processing - Pulp and paper industry - Board industry - Forest and wood fuel - Educational visits to industry
Quality of Products - Courses Wood Raw Materials: Production, Properties and Use, 7.5 ECTS - Wood properties of different wood species and wood types from different parts of the world - Wood species/wood types of special value, production possibilities, quality requirements, and ultilisation - Wood (bio)synthesis, wood properties and quality requirements with respect to silviculture and site related factors - Wood structure from macro- to nanoperspective with coupling to wood and fibre properties; - New techniques for modification and use of wood raw materials - Biotechnological applications for modification of wood and fibre properties - Seminar tasks involving advance study of one of the areas
Education & Research Facility: BTC-Biofuel Technology Centre BTC is a research and demonstration unit for studies of integrated chains of energy crops including crop production, fuel handling, fuel upgrading to briquettes, pellets and fuel powder as well as combustion studies in boilers in size between kW (Fuel plant and Boiler plant)
Energy Supply Research Use of solid fuels (wood-chips, straw etc) Biofuel crops (short rotation forestry) Renewable fuels – from ethanol to biogas
Harvesting Hemp
Biofibre Technology Research Plant fibre reinforced wheat gluten plastics Hemp/Plant reinforced concrete
Thank you very much for your attention!