Computer Hacking By: Ethan Wolfe
What is Computer Hacking? Computer Hacking- The practice of modifying computer hardware and software to accomplish a goal outside of the creator’s original purpose. To be accused of hacking, it must be proven that someone gained access to the computer, intending to hack it without permission.
Who? Anyone can be a computer hacker however, computer hacking is most common in teenagers and young adults. Computer hackers are often people who enjoy learning more about how computers work and consider computer hacking a form of art.
Different types of Hackers There are three different types of hackers: – White hat hacker Breaks security for non-malicious purposes – Black hat hacker People who go into a computer security system without authorization, by using different types of viruses. They use technology for vandalism (Credit card Fraud/Identity theft) – Grey hat hacker A mix of white and black hat hackers.
You know you are hacked when: There is a decline in your computer’s performance level for no reason. Your file size has increased for no reason. There are modifications to files that are unexplained. There are changes in network settings. There are popups that will not go away. Your software is not booting up.
Top 10 Hackers Black Hat Jonathan James Adrian Lamo Kevin Mitnick Kevin Poulsen Robert Tappan Morris White Hat Stephen Wozniak Tim Berners-Lee Linus Torvalds Richard Stallman Tsutomu Shimomura
Protection Click here to see how to protect yourself. – How to protect yourself How to protect yourself
Why I Chose this Topic One of the main reasons I chose this topic was to learn more about what computer hacking is. While researching this topic, I learned about computer hacking and also got tips on how to keep my own computer protected from hackers.
The Websites While researching this topic I have used several different websites to inform people about what computer hacking actually is. The websites I used gave me plenty of information about different topics; The definition of hacking, who does it, the different types of hackers, how you know if you have been hacked, the top 10 hackers and how to protect yourself from hackers. I have made the websites URLs available for you to check them out and see where I got my information.
Articles The articles I have chosen are recent and provide actual cases where people have been victims of computer hacking. I chose these articles because I thought they were very informative. The writers of these articles seem to know what they are talking about.
Question How many people get hacked each year?
Work Cited (Article 2011) (Article 2011) Computers-Been-Hacked&id= (Article 2011) Computers-Been-Hacked&id= hacking.htm hacking.htm