Here we are at the brink of a New Year, starting fresh with hopes, dreams and goals. Show me some of your ideas for New Beginnings. Think about your family life, school life, work, friends, goals for next year….how could you show your new beginning in a photograph?????
The following photographs are examples of what people have done to express their new beginning. Pay attention to what is in focus in these photos. Are there background distractions? Can you tell what the message is? What items are included in the composition to show the New Beginning?
Every new beginning starts with a single step.....
New Game...or same economic reality in 2010??
Each day brings a new beginning for our future energy!
For me new beginning start when one relieze their mistake and ask forgiveness
2010 Unwritten a new beginning
Meet Harriet
New Beginning Even though my husband and I are starting on our 19th year of marriage, every year is like a New Beginning! I am an incredibly blessed woman.
A sauna cleanse for the new decade!
This is Michigan Central Station. Someone has put Christmas decoration. The only thing left to do is give it a new beginning by fixing the beautiful building.
Clean Slate
This is the beginning of me keeping promises to myself! Kicking the junk food and exercising more! I'm gonna stick with it this year!
My wife laying on the couch playing some Jack Johnson for our daughter who will be arriving sometime around April 26th. I thought this year was the year of new beginnings, as my wife and I got married. But I think 2010 is going to be even better yet!
she is my new beginning
A moment of quiet sharing between my eldest and my youngest (just under a month at this point). We're hoping our new beginning shares _many_ such quiet moments.
I woke up this morning to a new dusting of snow. Went out to get some shots. This will be a new beginning for me, to get out more with camera
The picture I took was a silhouette shot of two people.. Possibly leading to New Beginnings on the chapter of their new life as a couple =))
God's sunset
What do you do? Think about what your new beginning is. Decide how you want to compose your photograph. Take several photos. Play with your zoom, focus, settings….. What will give you the result you want. Remember, this is your first photo assignment. I will be assessing your idea as much as the actual photograph.
Upload your pictures Take the photos and upload them to a flash drive or CD. Follow the instructions when you plug your camera into the computer. All digital camera have a cord to connect to your computer. Bring in the flash drive or CD to class. Have your statement or message prepared to go with your photo.
Grading Written idea of new beginning and how you want to show it in your photograph – 30 points photos uploaded to a CD or flash drive for review in class points Selection of ONE photo to print at Walgreens, CVS, jewel….. Photo will be mounted (you will get a lesson in class and statement/title written below the photo. – 100 points. GOOD LUCK and HAVE FUN!
A moment of quiet sharing between my eldest and my youngest (just under a month at this point). We're hoping our new beginning shares _many_ such quiet moments.