U.S. Foreign Policy – Islamic State in Iraq & Syria (ISIS) Financing Steve Gfell Todd Miller Brian Patrick
CNN “How ISIS Makes Its Millions” “[ISIS] has amassed wealth at an unprecedented Pace [and] obtains the vast majority of its revenues from local criminal and terrorist Activities. [It is] best-funded terrorist Organization the U.S. has ever confronted.” -David Cohen, Undersecretary for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence, US Department of the Treasury. (Washington's point person in the fight against ISIS)
How ISIS gets its Money? (3C’s) 8 Million People Are Under ISIS Control -Size of U.K. & population of Austria. - They have 8 million people they can extort -They don’t move money internationally so the US cannot pressure banks to expose them or levy sanctions
3C’s = Cash + Crude Oil + Contraband 1.Donations from government and private donors (oil rich nations, royalty, businessmen) 2.Sale of seized energy assets (control 5 th largest crude oil reserve in the world). 3.Organized crime in its territory (tax/tolls/selling girls into sexual slavery, hostages, extortion) *Using Routes Established by Saddam Hussein
#1 – Cash Wealthy Arabs and Royals fundraise & Donate Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Kuwait also give $$$ – Indirectly (Nusra front, Liwa al-Tawhid, Ahrar al- Sham and Jaish al-Isla) who then join ISIS
How Much Has ISIS Received From Donations?
#2 – Crude Oil ½ price on black market $7.50 per gallon in Turkey No Investment in the Refinery Sell at a discount Financial Tracking Service, a global monitoring service managed by the U.N. Office for Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs.
How Much Does ISIS Receive Daily from the Sale of Crude Oil?
Tolls & Taxes -Forced payments for working in or driving through ISIS territory Extortion/Human Trafficking -Christians -Young Girls -Business Owners Hostages -Ransom demands are paid by some European Govts CREATING FEAR! CREATING FEAR!
How Much Does ISIS Receive From Ransoms?
$45M last year (ISIS) $125M since 2008 (all terrorists) Ransom Payments