Chittenango Central Schools
Commitment to Excellence As a school community: We believe our children and community deserve the best programs and facilities we can provide. We believe the success of our schools is among the most valuable asset of owning a home in this community. We believe safe and secure facilities for our children are essential. We believe in teaching our children to achieve mastery and excellence; to expect the best for themselves. We continue working hard to improve our schools and improve academic achievement.
District Goals for Proposed Budgets The proposed budget provides financial support for the implementation of our Long-Range Plan which strives to: maintain quality academic and extracurricular programs; maintain all staffing necessary to provide a high quality educational program; maintain all of our facilities; and continue building excellence in education while being fiscally responsible to the taxpayers.
Budget Forecast Proposed Spending Plan $37,468,962 Tax Levy Revenue* ($17,538,890) State Aid ($19,478,788) Other Revenue**($ 451,284) GAP $ 0 *Reflects a 0.96% levy decrease ($170,079) **Reflects the use of $72,284 in fund balance
Budget Comparison Budget $ 37,468, Budget $ 36,958,984 Budget-to-Budget Increase$ 509,978
Budget-to-Budget Comparison: Budget$ 36,450, Budget$ 36,193, Budget$ 35,957, Budget$ 36,499, Budget$ 37,417, Budget$ 36,958, Budget$ 37,468,962 Difference $ 509,978 Budget-to-Budget Increase = 1.38%
Budget Increase Drivers Amount Percent Instructional Salaries $ 160, % Non-Instructional Salaries 192, % Contractual ( 41,100) (2.82%) BOCES ( 23,968) (0.91%) Employee Benefits 288, % TRS/ERS Retirement (164,922) Health & Dental 447,275 Social Security & Other 6,332 Debt Service 4, % Other* (70,342) (.46%) TOTAL $509, % Includes a Transfer to the Capital Fund of $100,000 for paving (mini-capital project) – will receive 83.1% aid
Budget Summary - Expenses Category Administrative Component$ 2,914,788$ 2,951,886 Program Component$26,408,259$26,840,877 Capital Component (Includes $100,000 Transfer to Capital Fund) $ 7,635,937$ 7,676,199 Grand Total$36,958,984$37,468,962 Budget-to-Budget Increase/(Decrease)1.38% $509,979
Budget Summary - Revenues Category Foundation Aid$11,940,976$12,047,233 BOCES Aid 1,449,891 1,498,644 Building Aid 3,189,771 2,970,876 Expenditure Driven 2,639,082 2,753,011 GEA Restoration 209,024 Other 312, ,000 Appropriated Fund Balance (282,455) 72,284 Tax Levy 17,708,969 17,538,890 Total $36,958,984$37,468,962
Tax Levy Comparison Year Levy Increase $15,853, % $16,392, % $16,720, % $17,055, % $17,455, % $17,708, % Proposed $17,538,890 (0.96%)
Budgetary Additions 1.0 FTE Special Education 1.0 FTE School Psychologist Elementary Enrichment 0.25 FTE Maintenance Helper Re-deployment of Two (2) Reduced Section Teachers
Continuous Cost Savings Energy Performance Contract (EPC) – Started March 2014 and is estimated to reduce energy costs by approximately $151,000 per year – exclusive of building aid. Participation in OCM BOCES Cooperative Purchasing, Health and Workers’ Compensation consortiums. Analyze all vacancies for restructuring/replacement costs. Continue to hold conversations with external agencies/municipalities for shared service opportunities. Continual review of staffing and enrollment. Closure of Lake Street Elementary.
Budget Propositions: Proposed School Budget: $37,468,962 Board of Education Elections: Three (3) Seats Funding for Sullivan Free Library: $526,900
Chittenango Central Schools Annual Budget Vote Tuesday, May 17, :00 – 9:00 p.m. Please visit our website, for updated information regarding the above. We encourage you to vote on May 17th. “Building For Our Children, Building For the Community”