Mobile IP is the underlying technology for support of various mobile data and wireless networking applications. It is designed by IETF.
Need a protocol Protocol to enable mobility must not require massive changes to router software, etc. Must be compatible IPv4 networks/hosts. Confine changes to mobile hosts and a few support hosts Just hacking DNS won’t work – DNS updates take time – Hooks for normal users to update DNS won’t be accepted by administrators. – After DNS lookup, raw IP address is used by TCP, UDP.
Mobile IP Operation → Sending and Receiving Packets → Discovering the care-of Address → Registering the care-of address → Tunneling to the care-of address →Deregistering the care-of address
VersionIHLType of service Total length IdentificationFlagFragment Offset TTL(home Count)ProtocolChecksum Header Destination Address OptionsPadding IP Header IP Payload Old IP Header IP Payload New IP Header Source Address
The Foreign Agent The Home Agent The Mobile Node Roles of Mobile IP
Triangular Routing Routing in Mobile IP CN Global Internet Home Network Visited Network Home Agent Foreign Agent Mobile Node Corresponding Node
Reverse Routing Routing in Mobile IP CN Global Internet Home Network Visited Network Home Agent Foreign Agent Mobile Node Corresponding Node
Bogus registration Security Evil Thing Registration Request Send Packet To ME
Replay Attack Security digest
Mobile node and correspondent node are on the same sub-network. packets in Mobile IP to mobile host are routed through Home Agent. packets travel a longer path Routing in Mobile IP is asymmetric and is termed as triangular routing Mobile Node to any Internet host can be routed directly but all the packets to Mobile Node go through Home agent.
→ IP is logical address for communication link level address is required. → Link level Address is also Called MAC Address. → IP addresses are resolved into physical address using ARP (Address Resolution Protocol). → To resolve the problem of ARP uses two Cases I. Proxy ARP II.Gratuitous ARP
→ Mobile IP results in triangular routing. → Many Firewalls deploy ingress filtering. → If the reply path is not same then packet will be Drop So answer Of this problem is Reverse tunneling. → The mobile Node are tunneled back to Home Agent after Foreign Agent receives them.