Unit How is your new job going?
Lead- in 1 、 What skills do you have? 2 、 What are your future goals? 3 、 We’ll get in touch with you in a week. 4 、 Who is the sales manager? 5 、 How is your new job going? 6 、 What are your furure goals? 7 、 What kind of boss do you like?
New lesson: Dialogue 1 Brian: What are your furure goals? Susan: I want to be a person who/that is familiar with office software. Dialogue 2 Susan: Who is the sales manager? Brian: The man whom/who/that Zhao Shan wrote to on the Internet is the sales manager.
New lesson: Dialogue 3 Brian: What kind of boss do you like? Susan: I like the boss whose character is very kind.
Second listening : read and answer pay attention to ‘’that,who,whom,whose’’ 1.I want to be a person who/that is familiar with office software 2. The man whom/who/that Zhao Shan wrote to on the Internet is the sales manager. 3. I like the boss whose character is very kind.
practice1 : fill in the blanks: Lily: What skills do you have? Zhao: Well,____________________. Lily: What are your future goals? Zhao:____________________________ I can fix buses and trucks I want to be a mechanic.
Practice 2 :完成句子,赵山在询问 张红的工作情况 Zhaoshan:_______________ Zhanghong :perfect! I’m now a computer programmer. Zhao:_________________ Zhang:five days a week. How is your new job going? How many days a week do you work?
Practice 2 :完成句子,赵山在询问 张红的工作情况 Zhao:________________ Zhang:we start at nine in the moring and finish at five in the afternoon,and sometimes we can work at home. Zhao:__________________________ Zhang:not yet,It’s half an hour by bus.I can get home at ahout half past five. When do you start and finish work? Is your work place far from your home?
1.When do you start and finish work? 2.Is your work place far from your home? 3.How many days a week do you work? 4.How is your new job going?
Task 6:Questions and answers QuestionsAnswers Name of the job skills experience Working hours Feeling toward their jobs
Summary Pay attention to the following: What skills do you have? What are your future goals? We’ll get in touch with you in a week. How is your new job going? What are your furure goals? Who is the sales manager? What kind of boss do you like?
Homework 1. Recite the sentence patterns. 2. Read the passage by yourself. 3. Finish Exercise book P122 lesson2. 4. Ex P123 Ⅲ ( 上交 )