1 Moses, A Type Of Christ
Moses-A Type of Christ 2 Introduction “A type is some person, thing or event in the O.T. age which foreshadowed some person, thing, or event in the N.T. age.”“A type is some person, thing or event in the O.T. age which foreshadowed some person, thing, or event in the N.T. age.” This lesson is a study in Moses-a type of ChristThis lesson is a study in Moses-a type of Christ Deut. 18:15-19 & Acts 3:22-23Deut. 18:15-19 & Acts 3:22-23 “A type is some person, thing or event in the O.T. age which foreshadowed some person, thing, or event in the N.T. age.”“A type is some person, thing or event in the O.T. age which foreshadowed some person, thing, or event in the N.T. age.” This lesson is a study in Moses-a type of ChristThis lesson is a study in Moses-a type of Christ Deut. 18:15-19 & Acts 3:22-23Deut. 18:15-19 & Acts 3:22-23
Moses-A Type of Christ 3 Both Escaped Death When Just A Baby MosesMoses Ex. 1:22Ex. 1:22 Ex. 2Ex. 2 MosesMoses Ex. 1:22Ex. 1:22 Ex. 2Ex. 2 Christ Mt. 2:13-16
Moses-A Type of Christ 4 Both Gave Up Riches To Save Others MosesMoses Heb. 11:24-27Heb. 11:24-27 MosesMoses Heb. 11:24-27Heb. 11:24-27 Christ 2 Cor. 8:9 Phil. 2:5-8
Moses-A Type of Christ 5 They Were Both Appointed Deliverers MosesMoses Sent to deliver the house of Israel from slaverySent to deliver the house of Israel from slavery Ex. 3:7-10Ex. 3:7-10 MosesMoses Sent to deliver the house of Israel from slaverySent to deliver the house of Israel from slavery Ex. 3:7-10Ex. 3:7-10 Christ Came to deliver all men Mt. 1:21 Jn. 3:16 Rom. 5:8 Lk. 19:10
Moses-A Type of Christ 6 They Were Mistreated By Their Brethren MosesMoses Ex. 16Ex. 16 Nu. 12:1Nu. 12:1 MosesMoses Ex. 16Ex. 16 Nu. 12:1Nu. 12:1 Christ Jn. 1:11 Acts 3:13-15 Acts 2:23
Moses-A Type of Christ 7 Both Performed Miracles MosesMoses Ex. 4:1-9, 29-31Ex. 4:1-9, MosesMoses Ex. 4:1-9, 29-31Ex. 4:1-9, Christ Jn. 20:30-31 Mk. 16:20 2 Cor. 12:12
Moses-A Type of Christ 8 Both Fasted Forty Days And Nights MosesMoses Ex. 34:27-28Ex. 34:27-28 MosesMoses Ex. 34:27-28Ex. 34:27-28 Christ Mt. 4:1-2
Moses-A Type of Christ 9 Both Were Law Givers MosesMoses Old Law was given by MosesOld Law was given by Moses Heb. 10:28Heb. 10:28 Jn. 1:17Jn. 1:17 MosesMoses Old Law was given by MosesOld Law was given by Moses Heb. 10:28Heb. 10:28 Jn. 1:17Jn. 1:17 Christ The New Law was given by Christ Heb. 1:1-2 Heb. 2:1-3 Mt. 17:5
Moses-A Type of Christ 10 Both Were Mediators MosesMoses Gal. 3:19Gal. 3:19 MosesMoses Gal. 3:19Gal. 3:19 Christ 1 Tim. 2:5 Heb. 8:6 Heb. 9:15
Moses-A Type of Christ 11 Both Were Prophets Of God MosesMoses Ex. 3:10Ex. 3:10 Ex. 4:12Ex. 4:12 MosesMoses Ex. 3:10Ex. 3:10 Ex. 4:12Ex. 4:12 Christ Acts 3:22-23 Mt. 28:18
Moses-A Type of Christ 12 Conclusion Israel turned from serving Pharaoh to follow MosesIsrael turned from serving Pharaoh to follow Moses Men turn from serving Satan to follow Jesus
Moses-A Type of Christ 13 Conclusion By faith they were baptized unto MosesBy faith they were baptized unto Moses By faith men are baptized into Christ
Moses-A Type of Christ 14 Conclusion Israel not saved until baptized unto MosesIsrael not saved until baptized unto Moses Men are not saved until they are baptized into Christ