June 6 [O.S. May 26] 1799–February 10 [O.S. January 29] 1837 He was a Russian author of the Romantic era who is considered by many to be the greatest Russian poet and the founder of modern Russian literature. Pushkin pioneered the use of vernacular speech in his poems and plays, creating a style of storytelling— mixing drama, romance, and satire— associated with Russian literature ever since and greatly influencing later Russian writers. He also wrote historical fiction. His Marie: A Story of Russian Love provides insight into Russia during the reign of Catherine the Great.
Poems 1820 – Ruslan i Lyudmila (Руслан и Людмила); English translation: Ruslan and Ludmila – Kavkazskiy plennik (Кавказский пленник); English translation: The Prisoner of the Caucasus 1833 – Medny vsadnik (Медный всадник); English translation: The Bronze Horseman Drama 1825 – Boris Godunov (Борис Годунов); English translation: Boris Godunov 1830 – Malenkie tragedii (Маленькие трагедии); English translation: The Little Tragedies Kamenny gost (Каменный гость); English translation: The Stone Guest Motsart i Salyeri (Моцарт и Сальери); English translation: Mozart and Salieri Prose Metel (Метель); English translation: The Blizzard, short story Pikovaya dama (Пиковая дама); English translation: The Queen of Spades, short story Kapitanskaya dochka (Капитанская дочка); English translation: The Captain's Daughter, novel Tales in verse Сказка о попе и о работнике его Балде; English translation: The Tale of the Priest and of His Workman Balda Сказка о медведихе; English translation: The Tale of the Female Bear (was not finished) Сказка о царе Салтане; English translation: The Tale of Tsar Saltan Сказка о рыбаке и рыбке; English translation: The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish Сказка о мертвой царевне; English translation: The Tale of the Dead Princess Сказка о золотом петушке; English translation: The Tale of the Golden Cockerel
11 November [O.S. 30 October] 1821 – 9 February [O.S. 29 January] 1881 Dostoyevsky's literary output explores human psychology in the troubled political, social and spiritual context of 19th-century Russian society. Considered by many as a founder or precursor of 20th-century existentialism, his Notes from Underground (1864), written in the embittered voice of the anonymous "underground man", was called by Walter Kaufmann the "best overture for existentialism ever written.“ A prominent figure in world literature, Dostoyevsky is often acknowledged by critics as one of the greatest psychologists in world literature.
Novels Bednye lyudi (Бедные люди); English translation: Poor Folk Prestuplenie i nakazanie (Преступление и наказание); English translation: Crime and Punishment Idiot (Идиот); English translation: The Idiot Vechnyj muzh (Вечный муж); English translation: The Eternal Husband Brat'ya Karamazovy (Братья Карамазовы); English translation: The Brothers Karamazov Novellas and short stories Belye nochi (Белые ночи); English translation: White Nights Malen'kij geroj (Маленький герой); English translation: A Little Hero Son smeshnogo cheloveka (Сон смешного человека); English translation: The Dream of a Ridiculous Man
September 9 [O.S. August 28] 1828 – November 20 [O.S. November 7] 1910 He was a Russian writer widely regarded as among the greatest of novelists. His masterpieces War and Peace and Anna Karenina represent in their scope, breadth and vivid depiction of 19th-century Russian life and attitudes, the peak of realist fiction
Novels and novellas Childhood (Детство [Detstvo]; 1852) Boyhood (Отрочество [Otrochestvo]; 1854) Youth (Юность [Yunost']; 1856) Family Happiness (novella, 1859) War and Peace (Война и мир [Voyna i mir]; 1865–1869) Anna Karenina (Анна Каренина [Anna Karenina]; 1875–77) Resurrection (Воскресение [Voskresenie]; 1899) Hadji Murat (Хаджи-Мурат [Khadzhi-Murat]; written in 1896–1904, published 1912) Short stories The Prisoner in the Caucasus (Кавказский Пленник [Kavkazskii Plennik]; 1872) Strider: The Story of a Horse (1864, 1886) Plays The Power of Darkness (Власть тьмы [Vlast' t'my] (tragedy, 1886) The Fruits of Enlightenment (comedy, 1889) The Living Corpse (Живой труп [Zhivoi trup] (1900) Non-fiction A Confession (Исповедь [Ispoved']; 1882) What Is to Be Done? (1886) What Is Art? (1897)
Childhood Anna Karenina Tolstoy Bednye lyudi Brat'ya Karamazovy Dostoyevsky Metel Medny vsadnik Pushkin